Present: Kevin Bateman; Bob Farmer; Gene Rohlfs; Chuck Ruben;
David Hepler; Jan Schumacher; Dennis Reves
Guests: Tracy Bergin, Mike Kirlin, Cara Barr
Mr. Bateman called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
A motion was made by Mr. Hepler, seconded by Mr. Rohlfs, to approve
the minutes from the September 1, 2015 meeting. Motion passed.
Old Business:
Salary Reimbursement and Office Renovation – Kim Turner’s
Office: Mr. Bateman stated that to build the walls, add carpet, run
heating and air, and an additional $5,000 for possible electrical
work, the total could be $30,000. Mr. Reves said the office will
need 4 window units. Mr. Ruben discussed inviting Mrs. Kim Turner to
the next committee meeting regarding funding the project now that
some numbers have been presented.
Electricity work in band shelter at Latham Park: Nothing to

Animal Control Roof: Nothing to report.
Paper Shredding Bids: COPS shredding quoted $17.50 for the
first bin plus fuel surcharge and $12.75 for each additional bin
plus fuel surcharge; the fuel surcharge was listed as 5.33% of the
total invoice.
Mr. Rohlfs asked how the 5.33% of the total invoice is arrived at
for fuel.
Mr. Kirlin explained the price is taken from the Midwest Diesel
rate, which fluctuates. Mr. Kirlin stated he can lock-in a price or
lower the surcharge price when the Midwest Diesel rate lowers.
Mr. Rohlfs and Mr. Hepler would prefer not to have a separate
fuel surcharge cost.
Mr. Kirlin stated that he could set the fuel cost into the price
if the Board prefers. It is an on-site shredding program.
AAA Confidential Security shredding quoted $35 minimum per
service ticket and $28 per 96 gallon bin. It is an off-site
shredding program.
A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Hepler to approve
the COPS paper shredding bid. Motion passed.
LC Board office desk: Nothing to report.
New Business:
Alliance Arts in the Park 2016 Liquor Permit for Latham Park:
Mr. Bateman asked if the City of Lincoln will issue the Alliance a
liquor permit.
Ms. Barr stated the City approved the liquor in the street 10 feet
Mrs. Schumacher asked about the proximity to the church.
Ms. Barr explained they must be cautious where the fencing will be;
the measurement must be from the property line of the church into
the park.

[to top of second column] |

Mr. Bateman inquired about whether the playground equipment
will be inside the fenced area.
Ms. Barr explained the intention of the fencing is to contain
the alcohol to one area, not necessarily to keep people out.
Mr. Bateman discussed the option of fencing at an angle around
the play equipment so that other children whose parents are not
inside the alcohol tent can continue to play freely.
Ms. Barr stated the fencing would not prohibit children from
playing on the equipment.
Mrs. Schumacher asked about admission fees to enter the fenced
area and Ms. Barr stated the only admission is for people
actually consuming wine. There will not be food vendors inside
the fenced area; the fencing will only be inside the park. Ms.
Barr explained that although the chosen date for the Arts in the
Park event conflicts with the Emden Homecoming, it is the best
date for a kid-friendly alternative since Scully Park has a
family event on the same weekend.
Mr. Rohlfs inquired about the protocol for wine vendors setting
up in the park. Ms. Barr said the wine vendors will have
individual tents identical to the artists and they will be able
to unpack supplies on that Friday.
A motion was made by Mr. Hepler, seconded by Mrs. Schumacher to
approve the request from the Alliance. Motion passed.
Chairman Bateman indicated the issue will move forward to the
full Board Workshop meeting.
Requests: None.

Report from Dennis Reves: Mr. Reves reported that the
Dodge Stratus is still at the John Logan Building with a flat
tire and doesn’t run. Mr. Ruben said it needs to go to the
Highway Department for surplus sale. Mr. Reves will fix the tire
and jump the engine to see if it could be repaired. Mr. Rohlfs
said that it could be long time before the next surplus sale.
Mr. Bateman asked about being able to advertise in the newspaper
to sell it quickly. Mr. Reves reported the pigeons have knocked
a bunch of spikes off the ledge. Mr. Bateman wanted to get the
main entrance ledge where the public enters covered with the
sticky material under the spikes to hold them in place.
Mr. Reves will get more bug repellent.
Budget Matters: Nothing to report.
Communications: Nothing to report.
A motion was made by Mr. Hepler, seconded by Mr. Farmer, to approve
the bills. Motion passed.
A motion was made by all to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed.
Meeting ended at 7:47 pm.
[Copied from Logan County website] |