Logan County Board
October Sheriff's, Ambulance, Coroner, and EMA

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[December 16, 2015]  LINCOLN - Blue Room - Logan County Safety Complex October 1, 2015

Logan County Sheriff's Meeting

Present: Scott Schaffenacker; Bob Farmer; Gene Rohlfs; Emily Davenport; Dave Hepler

Absent: Rick Aylesworth; Dave Blankenship

Guests: Sheriff Nichols; Steve Siltman; Kendall Caruthers; Dan Fulscher; Bob Thomas

Mr. Schaffenacker called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

A motion was made by Mr. Farmer, seconded by Mr. Hepler, to approve the minutes from September 3, 2015 as printed. Motion passed.

Old Business:

Website Link:
Nothing to report.

New Business:

Sheriffs Report: There is a large bill this month due to an emergency MRSA disinfection service in the courthouse. Sheriff Nichols has had trouble with the current, older scanners that do routine, timed checks on the residents and jailers. He received a bid for 5 new scanners for the jail totaling $8,096, which included parts, software, and shipping. Sheriff will find out if a service agreement is included in the price. He has the money available in his budget, but wanted to let the committee know. A motion was made by Mr. Farmer, seconded by Mr. Hepler to approve the bid for new scanners . Motion passed.

Budget Review: The auditors instructed the sheriff to take the money for the scanners out of the designated line item instead of transferring funds around; the line item will show a negative balance.

A motion was made by Mr. Farmer, seconded by Mr. Rohlfs, to pay the bills as presented for payment. Motion passed.

A motion was made by Mrs. Davenport, seconded by Mr. Farmer, to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm.

Logan County Ambulance Meeting

Present: Dave Hepler; Gene Rohlfs; Emily Davenport; Scott Schaffenacker; Bob Farmer

Absent: Rick Aylesworth; David Blankenship

Guests: Steve Siltman; Bob Thomas; Kendall Caruthers; Dan Fulscher

Mr. Schaffenacker called the meeting to order at 7:16 pm.

A motion was made by Mr. Rohlfs, seconded by Mrs. Davenport, to approve the minutes from September 3, 2015 as printed. Motion passed.

Mr. Siltman will present the Quarterly Budget Report next month.

Vouchers: Mr. Siltman presented the fourth and final voucher for the year; the next voucher won't be presented until approximately July of 2016.

The fourth voucher is for the remaining amount in this year's budget.

The total budget was $333,650.
The voucher for July was $63,650;
August's was $100,000 ;
September's was $100,000;
and October's was $70,000.

A motion was made by Mr. Rohlfs, seconded by Mr. Hepler to approve the bills as presented. Motion passed.

Mr. Siltman presented the September 2015 call report. There were 202 emergency (9-1-1) calls, 103 hospital-to­hospital transport calls, 6 treatment/no transport calls, 19 routine calls, and 34 calls that refused service for a total of 364 calls. Fiscal year-to-date calls was 3,803.

Vehicle Status Report - The first of the 2 ambulances with cracks in the boxes has been finished in Florida, shipped back to IL, and will be going for final inspection. It should be returned by next week. Upon its arrival, the second will be sent to Florida. The new ambulance is due for delivery in the next two weeks and was already paid in full. There are currently 4 of 5 vehicles in service with 1 being at Bloomington International for electrical issues.

Old Business: Mr. Siltman reported that the Logan County Ambulance will become a Tier 3 Critical Care Transport agency, which is the highest level. It will be the closest CCT to Bloomington, Clinton, Hopedale, Havana, and Lincoln. The reimbursement rate is approximately 50%. He will be looking into hiring a designated CCT Nurse and CCT Paramedic for the back of each ambulance; the salaries for the especially designated CCT applicants are higher. He cannot bill to the program until the criteria is met. Memorial Health System is the head of the program and Mr. Siltman will appeal to them for funding if necessary. Mr. Siltman reported that, in his estimation, 36-50 critical transports in a year would make it possible to recoup the financial investment in 1-3 years . Any transports above 50 would be an incredibly successful program.

[to top of second column]

New Business: Nothing to report.

A motion was made by Mr. Farmer, seconded by Mrs. Davenport, to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:34 pm.

Logan County Coroner Meeting

Present: Bob Farmer; Gene Rohlfs; Emily Davenport; Scott Schaffenacker; Dave Hepler

Absent: . Rick Aylesworth; David Blankenship

Guests: Bob Thomas; Kendall Caruthers, Dan Fulscher; Steve Siltman

Mr. Schaffenacker called the meeting to order at 7:35 pm.

A motion was made by Mrs. Davenport, seconded by Mr. Hepler, to approve the minutes from September 3, 2015 as printed. Motion passed.

Old Business:

Mr. Thomas presented the September call report. There were 13 calls. 2 were transports and 2 were autopsies.

New Business: None.

Mr. Thomas presented the summary of expenses . Mr. Thomas discussed buying an updated mortuary cot for body removals of up to 1,000 pounds for $1,250 out of the Coroner Fees account.

A motion was made by Mr. Hepler, seconded by Mrs. Davenport, to approve the bills as presented for payment. Motion passed.

A motion was made by Mrs. Davenport, seconded by Mr. Hepler, to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:42 pm.

Logan County EMA Meeting

Present: Gene Rohlfs; Scott Schaffenacker; Emily Davenport; Bob Farmer; Dave Hepler

Absent: Rick Aylesworth; David Blankenship

Guests: Dan Fulscher; Kendall Caruthers

Mr. Schaffenacker called the meeting to order at 7:43 pm.

A motion was made by Mr. Rohlfs, seconded by Mr. Farmer, to approve the minutes from September 3, 2015 as printed. Motion passed.

Mr. Fulscher presented the September 2015 call report. (attached)

HMEP Grant - Mr. Fulscher reported EMA received $48,755 last year, but received $54,593 this year. He will need the budget changed to reflect the increase. Mr. Fulscher asked for the committee to approve the budget increase of $4,593. A motion was made by Mrs. Davenport, seconded by Mr. Hepler, to approve the EMA budget increase from $192,526 to $197, 119 with the full reimbursement of the top line of the HMEP Grant.
Motion passed.

Yearly Exercise -October 14 from 10 am - Noon will be the opening of EOC. October 15 will be the tabletop from 11:30 am - 4:00 pm. Next year's full-scale event will be 8 hours long and it will be a 4 year cycle.
Old Business: None New Business:

November Bid: Mr. Fulscher would like to go out for bid for Mr. Caruthers' truck in November, but will not take possession of any vehicle before December 1, 2016. He will be looking for a 2 wheel drive, 6 cylinder, long-bed pickup truck in the $20,000 price range; ETSB will pay any portion past $15,000. Mr. Fulscher would be responsible for accepting or rejecting any or all bids. The committee agreed for Mr. Fulscher to begin gathering bids in November.

A motion was made by Mr. Farmer, seconded by Mr. Rohlfs, to pay the bills as presented for payment. Motion passed.

A motion was made by Mrs. Davenport, seconded by Mr. Rohlfs, to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:54 pm.

[Copied from Logan County website]

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