Present: Gene Rohlfs; Andy Anderson; David Blankenship; Bob
Farmer; Chuck Ruben
Absent: Rick Aylesworth
Guests: Curt Fox
Mr. Rohlfs called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Mr. Rohlfs noted an amendment needs to be made to the September,
2014 minutes to correct a typo error. A motion was made by Mr.
Farmer, seconded by Mr. Anderson, to approve the minutes from the
September 8, 2014 meeting as amended. Motion passed.
Old Business:
Tree Project Update:
Mr. Rohlfs reported the letting was September 19, 2014. Mr.
Rohlfs received no bids. Mr. Rohlfs received an e-mail from Rob
Waller. Mr. Waller has contacted Homer Tree Services. Homer Tree
Service was unsure if they could do the project for $75,000. Another
option Mr. Rohlfs has is to hire local. Mr. Rohlfs is hoping to have
good news by the end of the month. No action was taken at this time.
 Fuel Farm Update:
Mr. Rohlfs reported on September 22, 2014 the Pre-Design Meeting
was held. Updates that need to be done are: Replacing the card
reader, pump with new, relocating the pump and card reader. Mr.
Rohlfs reported this project is a local let which means Mr. Rohlfs
will need to advertise once a week for four weeks. No action was
taken at this time.
Chevy Snowplow Update:
Mr. Rohlfs reported he has been in contact with Graue, Inc. Graue
cannot fix the Chevy Snowplow under warranty. Sheley’s agreed to fix
the Chevy Snowplow. Mr. Rohlfs purchased the Turbo Charger from
Graue. The Chevy Snowplow is currently at Sheley’s. Mr. Rohlfs hopes
to have it back soon.
End of Old Business
New Business:
TIPS Project Schedule:
TIPS meeting October 15, 2014 at 9a.m. Mr. Rohlfs and Mr. Farmer
plan to attend the meeting. Mr. Rohlfs gave a brief overview of the
5 year plan for TIPS Projects. 2014-Fuel Farm, 2015- pavement
marking and maintenance 3-21-County is required to pay 10%,
2016-Skip (Mr. Rohlfs wants to save entitlement money for a run way
overlay), 2017-Overlay RW 3-21 and increase size of turn around.
2018- 5 place T hangar, 2019- taxiways and apron repairs. Mr. Rohlfs
reported 2020 would be a good year to do any drainage work. No
action needed.
Hangar #28 Door Repair Proposal:
Mr. Rohlfs reported he met with Mr. Whitebeck to discuss the
hangar doors. A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr.
Blankenship, to spend up to $1,500 on fixing the doors. Motion
passed. Mr. Ruben will bring forward a motion during the finance
meeting to allow Mr. Rohlfs to spend up to $2,000 for repairs and
maintenance work.
[to top of second column] |

Letter to Hangar Tenants on Repairs and Upgrades:
Mr. Rohlfs still needs to send out letters to the tenants. Mr.
Rohlfs would like to offer the tenants to fix their hangars. Mr.
Rohlfs mentioned to compensate the tenants for their work he would
adjust their rent.
End of New Business Airport Report:
Mr. Rohlfs reported 1,102 gallons of fuel were sold in September.
Mr. Rohlfs reported
PEMCO gave the County a discount on the most recent bill. Mr. Rohlfs
plans to take some items to the Household Hazardous Waste
Mr. Rohlfs reported Mr. Blankenship fixed the PAPI light.
Mr. Farmer or Mr. Rohlfs will review with Mr. Wright about Mr.
Blankenship helping out at the Airport with electrical work. No
action needed at this time.
October 21, 2014 Mr. Rohlfs and Mr. Fox will meet with Ryan Sheley
from Rural Fire for a walk through.
Nothing further to report.

HIF Report:
Mr. Fox reported the Flag Poles are up. Nothing to report.
Farm Report: Nothing further to report.
Budget Review: No concerns.
A motion was made by Mr. Farmer, seconded by Mr. Ruben, to approve
the bills as presented for payment. Motion passed.
A motion was made by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Farmer, to
adjourn. Motion passed. Meeting ended at 7:41 pm.
[Copied from Logan County website] |