Logan County 4-H hosts “Are You Smarter Than a 4-H’er?” Trivia Event

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[February 21, 2015]  LINCOLN - All Logan County 4-H members, families, and alumni are invited to participate in the "Are you Smarter than a 4-H'er?" Trivia Event.

This event will be held on Sunday, March 1st, beginning at 2 pm at the Logan County Extension Office at 980 N. Postville Drive. Snacks will be provided.

"Are you Smarter than a 4-H'er?" will consist of teams of up to six members competing in rounds of various trivia categories – at least half the team members must be current 4-H members, family member of 4-H’er or Logan County 4-H alumni.

The winning 'team' will receive a cash prize. A monetary award will also be given for most 'creative' team.

There is NO COST to enter a team (maximum size six members). Financial support is being provided by Farm Credit Illinois.

Gather your 4-H friends and register online at https://web.extension.illinois.edu/registration/?RegistrationID=11466  or call 732-8289 to register your team of up to six members by February 26th. Contest will be limited to 10-12 teams due to space limitations, so register your team ASAP!

[Patty Huffer, Logan County Extension Program Coordinator/Youth Development]

About 4-H: Illinois 4-H strives to help youth learn skills for living. University of Illinois Extension provides 4-H programs in every county in Illinois. Illinois 4-H aims to impact the lives of 200,000 youth each year through sustained learning clubs and groups and short-term programming.


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