First posted November 17, 2014
Rohlfs announces candidacy for Lincoln Ward 3 Alderman

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[February 21, 2015]  LINCOLN - I am announcing my candidacy for the position of Alderman for Ward 3.

The essence of the City of Lincoln has long been a passion of mine. As a child it was the place to be. My grandmother took us to see Roy Rogers’ movies and we visited the downtown shops. It brought a sense of wanting to belong in this place. My career history as an educator, alderman, and Main Street Director in Lincoln, kept that sense alive. Recently my letters to the editor have rejuvinated that feeling and have connected me with countless people who have similar feelings. Many changes have occurred in Lincoln that are neither positive or beneficial. I believe that it is my duty as a citizen of Lincoln to addresss some of those changes and work to make sure changes are beneficial for our community.

Many of you know, I have been very concerned about issues facing this community. I believe there are three major issues being voiced by our citizens.

  1. Lack of transparency on many issues without the due diligence needed to create trust and credibility.

  2. Citizens of Lincoln are being ignored in the decision making process.

  3. Fnancial burdens are being placed on this community without a fair, equitable, and responsible plan for revenue development.

[to top of second column]

In order to serve the people of Lincoln, I feel that the opinions of my constituents as well as the populace of our entire community need to be taken to the council floor. As an educator, it has always been my belief that if you have a well informed audience, that audience will make wise and competent decisions. There are more than a select few who can do that for our community. People want to voice their opinion in a climate of trust and engagement that does not seem to exist today. It seems impossible to impose a strategy on a community if there is no community consideration or ownership. The job of alderman is to represent the constituents by listening to and absorbing what they have to say. As I have indicated in my letters to the editor, I cannot do it alone; it will take all of us to effect change. I ask for your support in my campaign.

I believe in this community and the people who live here. It is because of this belief and my commitment to the community that I have chosen to run for the position of Alderman for Ward 3.

Wanda Lee Rohlfs

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