Present: Kevin Bateman; Bob Farmer; Jan Schumacher; Emily
Davenport; Chuck Ruben; Scott Schaffenacker
Guests: Mike Hedrick; Dennis Reves
Mr. Bateman called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mrs. Schumacher, to
approve the minutes from the October 7, 2014 meeting. Motion passed.
Old Business:
Safety Complex HVAC and Roof Project:
Mr. Bateman reported he did not receive an email from Brandon or
John however, Mr. Bateman believes both projects are done.
County Website: Nothing to report
Audio Recordings:
Mr. Bateman needs to get with Pam and Abbey still regarding the
audio recordings. Mr. Bateman hopes to have the audio recordings
online by 2015.
Update on Elevator:
Mr. Bateman reported the inspector is going to allow the County
to put a chain-link fence around the elevator maintenance room. The
County would still need to hire someone to put the chain-link fence
Job Listings: Nothing to report
Maintenance Worker: Nothing to report
Salary Reimbursement and Office Renovation-Kim Turner’s Office:
Discussion held regarding alternate locations for Probation
Office to help with concerns regarding confidentiality and privacy.
Mr. Bateman will call Kim tomorrow.
Ptac Unit in County Board Office:
Mr. Bateman reported he would like to move forward with putting
the Ptac unit in County Board Office. Mrs. Schumacher reported she
contacted DCEO regarding rebates for the Ptac Unit. Mrs. Schumacher
was happy to announce there are some rebates out there.
A motion was made by Mr. Schaffenacker, seconded by Mrs. Davenport,
to buy the Ptac Unit for the County Board Office. Motion passed.
Energy Assessment at Safety Complex:
Mrs. Schumacher reported SEDAC wants to use the County as a Case
[to top of second column] |
BLI Lighting:
Mrs. Schumacher reported the County has all new lights at both
A motion was made by Mrs. Schumacher, seconded by Mr. Ruben, to
approve to spend up to $2,910.00 to BLI electrical repair for the
housing unit on the globe top. Motion passed
New Business:
Open Snow Removal Bids:
Mr. Bateman reported Flipper’s would charge the County $450.00
for 2 inches-5 inches of snow, $787.50 for 5inches-8 inches of snow,
$1125.00 for 8 inches-12 inches of snow and 12 inches-15 inches
$1350.00. Mr. Bateman reported the following is a breakdown of each
property stated in the bid for snow removal at the following county
parking lots. Logan County Courthouse Ramps $75.00, Safety Complex
$175.00, John Logan Building $50.00, Health Department $100.00, and
Animal Control $50.00.
A motion was made by Mrs. Davenport, seconded by Mr. Ruben, to
accept Flippers Lawn Management for snow removal for the next two
years. Motion passed. Mr. Bateman will bring Flippers Lawn
Management before the Full Board on November 13, 2014.
Audio System in the Courtroom:
Mrs. Schumacher asked Jonathan Wright to put together a proposal
for a new audio system. Mr. Wright will bring forward a proposal in
Requests: None
Report from Dennis Reves:
Mr. Reves reported the County has parking spots in the church
parking lot by the John Logan Building.
A motion was made by Mrs. Davenport, seconded by Mr. Farmer, to
approve the bills. Motion passed.
A motion was made by Mrs. Davenport, seconded by Mr. Farmer, to
adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting ended at 7:56 pm.
[Copied from Logan County website]