Present: Jan Schumacher; Andy Anderson; Kevin Bateman; Chuck
Ruben; Emily Davenport
Absent: Dave Hepler
Mrs. Schumacher called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm.
A motion was made by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mrs. Davenport, to
approve the minutes from the October 8, 2014 meeting as printed.
Motion passed.
Old Business
Hartford Appeal:
Mrs. Schumacher reported the claim denial for damage to the
State’s Attorney’s LEADS system was reconsidered and still
disallowed. Mr. Wright has requested additional funding to cover the
repair costs. Mr. Ruben suggested transferring funding from Major
Criminal Cases to the State’s Attorney’s budget to cover the cost.

New Business
Raffle request process:
This issue was brought forward because individuals frequently
request raffle approval with short notice and a policy should be
developed oh how to address those requests. Mr. Bateman suggested
those requests go directly to the Insurance Chairman for
consideration and possible approval. Those requests would then go
before the Insurance Committee at the next regularly scheduled
meeting for final committee/board approval.
A motion was made by Mr. Bateman, seconded by Mr. Anderson, to allow
the Chairman of the Insurance Committee to verbally or
electronically approve raffle requests when there is not sufficient
time before the event for the request to come before the Insurance
Committee. Motion passed.
CIRMA renewal:
The renewal offer was received from CIRMA for property, casualty,
liability and workers compensation insurance. Last years’ premium
was $225,858 and the renewal offer is for $226,262. The increase is
less than $1,000, despite the significant Safety Complex lightning
A motion was made by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Ruben, to approve
the renewal offer from CIRMA at a cost of $226,262. Motion passed.
[to top of second column] |

Approval/Denial of claims payments:
CIRMA recently contacted Mrs. Schumacher requesting consent on a
possible settlement/claims payment. Mrs. Schumacher was asked to
contact other counties to determine how they provide a response to
CIRMA in these instances.
Insurance Administrator Report: Nothing to report.
Legislative: NONE
O 13-14 104 – Roberta Snyder to Beason-Chestnut Water District
A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Anderson, to approve
the above appointment. Motion passed.
Recognitions: None
LO 13-14 103 – Fraternal Order of Eagles #2708
LO 13-14 105 – Kaidy Carlin Benefit
A motion was made by Mr. Bateman, seconded by Mr. Ruben, to approve
the above raffles. Motion passed.
A motion was made by Mrs. Davenport, seconded by Mr. Ruben, to
approve the bills as presented for payment. Motion passed.
A motion was made by Mr. Bateman, seconded by Mr. Ruben, to adjourn
the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting ended at 7:35 pm.
[Copied from Logan County website]