Annie Coers named Illinoisan of the Day for 2015 State Fair

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[July 14, 2015]  Annie Coers of New Holland, has been recognized by the Illinois State Fair Museum Foundation as an “Illinoisan of the Day” for 2015.

The Illinoisan of the Day program honors individuals who exemplify the qualities and characteristics associated with the Land of Lincoln: integrity, dependability, sense of community, and strong ethics. She was recognized on July 11 at the 7th annual Corn Dog Kickoff and will receive additional recognition during the Illinois tate Fair.

Annie was selected from a pool of nominations based on her service activities, educational projects, youth programs and IL County Fair involvement.

Annie, her husband and five children show their award winning Corriedale & Montedale sheep throughout Illinois and contiguous states as 3J Farms.

In addition to helping with her own animals she has also given of her time in the administration of the Logan County Fair in the position of Secretary. Annie is a volunteer 4H Leader for the Hollanders 4H Club in her community of New Holland.

She has also served for 5 years as the New Holland Village Secretary in her community.

Annie volunteers many hours at the New Holland-Middletown Elementary School. She has served for three years as Vice President of the NH-M Community Supports Education Committee. The committee works with the community to provide assistance and fundraising for the District #88 school students. Annie has been involved in major efforts that have resulted in bringing laptops and tablets plus software and infrastructure to this rural, high poverty school district. Annie does all of this and more while holding down a demanding full time job with FedEx.

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Annie exemplifies the spirit of the “Illinoisian of the Day” award recipient. She is community spirited and uses her talents to help her county, community and school district. Annie volunteers willingly without expecting anything in return. She continues to motivate those around her to do more.

The attached photos are of Annie with both the Miss Illinois County Fair Queen Sadie Gassmann from Richland County and the Sangamon County Fair Queen Megan Urbas in addition to a group photo of all 2015 Illinoisan of the Day recipients.

[Submitted by Karen Davison]

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