Present: Chuck Ruben-Chairman; Bob Farmer; Andy Anderson; Gene
Rohlfs; Emily Davenport Absent: Rick Aylesworth; Dave Hepler
Guests: Katherine Yaple
Mr. Ruben called the meeting to order at 5:30pm.
A motion was made by Mr. Farmer seconded by Mr. Anderson, to approve
the minutes of the February 10, 2015 meeting as printed. Motion
Old Business:
Public Fee for Copies:
Mr. Ruben reported every office has different fees due to statute
reasons. Mr. Ruben wants to drop this subject and let the elected
officials keep running their office as they have been.

New Business:
Budget Amendment for Coroner’s Office:
Mr. Ruben reported the Coroner’s Office needs a budget adjustment.
Mr. Thomas requested to take $5,000 out of Coroner Autopsy Charges
and put $5,000 into Coroner Deputy Salary line. The reason for the
budget adjustment is to cover transport expenses since the Coroner’s
Office is now doing their own body hauls. A motion was made by Mr.
Anderson, seconded by Mr. Rohlfs, to approve LO 14-15 42. Motion
passed. Mr. Ruben will bring forward this motion on Thursday night.
Safety Lease Agreement:
Mr. Ruben reported the committee needs to vote on the Safety Lease
Agreement with the City. The city attorney has looked over the
agreement and has given it an okay. Mr. Ruben pointed out the
agreement is for February 1, 2015 through December 31, 2016. The
city will pay a monthly rent of $2,740.00 due on the fifteenth day
of each month. A motion was made by Mr. Rohlfs, seconded by Mrs.
Davenport, to approve the Safety Lease Agreement with the City.
Motion passed.
[to top of second column] |

The committee discussed a few items that were not on the agenda.
Mr. Ruben had copies of the “Guidelines for Finance Committee from
2010” and “Financial Procedures from 2010”. Mr. Ruben would like
Mrs. Freese to make copies for the committee and put in their
mailboxes for review.
Mr. Ruben reported there is someone interested in buying the
hill at the County Farm. When the county wanted to sell the
county property in 2006, the county’s bottom dollar was
$100,000. If the board decides to sell the property, the county
will need to advise and accept bids. Mr. Rohlfs will put County
Farm Property on Airport and Farm agenda. Mr. Ruben would like
to place these items on the agenda for next month. Mr.
Anderson reviewed expenses for the committee.
The “salary of extra help” for the Supervisor of Assessments is at
94.7%. Mr. Ruben reported Mrs. Martinek should be at the next
Finance meeting. They will bring this to her attention next month.
Mr. Ruben reviewed revenues. No Concerns.
Mr. Anderson asked how Mr. Thomas paid for the van for the Coroner’s
Office. Mr. Ruben reported he has a grant to pay for vehicles.

A motion was made by Mr. Anderson seconded by Mr. Farmer to approve
the bills. Motion passed.
A motion was made by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Rohlfs, to
adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting ended at 6:00 pm.
[Copied from Logan County website]