Logan County Board
March Safety Committee

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[July 17, 2015]  LINCOLN - Logan County Courthouse March 13, 2015

Present Andy Anderson; Jan Schumacher; Pat O’Neill; Dennis Reves

Absent: Gene Rohlfs-Board Member; Bob Farmer-Board Member; Chuck Ruben-Board Member; Dave Hepler-Board Member; Steve Nichols-Sheriff; Mike Bruce-Courthouse Security; Mallory Garey-Assessors Office; Terry Storer-EMA; Kendall Caruthers-EMA; Dan Fulscher-EMA; Bret Aukamp-Highway Dept; Julie Parker-Animal Control Warden; Emily Hauter-Health Dept; Mary Kelley-Circuit Clerk; Vicki Dugan-Treasurer


Mr. Anderson called the meeting to order at 10:08 am.

A quorum was not present. Mr. Anderson plans to reschedule the Safety meeting.

Mrs. Schumacher read the Board Polices for Safety Committee. Mrs. Schumacher plans to e-mail Mr. Wright to see what constitutes a quorum, if it’s a quorum of 6 board members or of the entire committee.

Old Business:

Fire Drill:

Mr. Anderson asked if anyone has had fire extinguisher training. Mrs. Schumacher reported yes, we have.

AED Training/Machine:
Mr. Anderson wants AED machines on every floor. Mr. Anderson will talk to Nick Hanson to see if he will still do AED training. Mr. Anderson wants everyone in the courthouse to be trained on the AED machine. Mr. Anderson wants everyone to have CPR training as well.

Mrs. Schumacher believes the County still has money in the budget from a safety grant. Mrs. Schumacher will ask Mrs. Meagher if we still have money in the budget from the Safety grant.

[to top of second column]

Mr. Anderson wants Mrs. Meagher or Mrs. Freese to put on their computer a reminder to check batteries in the AED machine.

Mrs. Meagher looked into the safety grant money and found there was $6,500 remaining three years ago. The county was going to using the remaining funds to purchase uninterrupted power sources in lieu of updating the video security system.

In future minutes, Mrs. Meagher documented the funds were on hold until the County identified fire safety inspection items.

Mrs. Schumacher feels at the next Finance meeting the safety grant money needs to be discussed.

Mr. Anderson wants to see what the statute says about having AED machines at public buildings.

Mr. Anderson plans to hold a fire drill in the future.

New Business: None

A motion was made by Mr. O’Neill, seconded by Mr. Reves, to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting ended at 10:30 am.

[Copied from Logan County website]


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