Present: Bob Farmer – Vice Chairman; Dave Hepler- Chairman; Andy
Anderson; Kevin Bateman; David Blankenship; Emily Davenport; Pat
O’Neill; Gene Rohlfs; Chuck Ruben; Scott Schaffenacker; Jan
Absent: Rick Aylesworth
Guests: Don Riedle; Mary Riedle; Steve McClure; Laurie Muck; Helen
Schmidt; Donna Vaughan; Gena Monical Ruhl; Derek Hurley; Pam
Schreiner; Steve Schreiner; Tim Butler; Bill Thomas; Jon Wright;
Will D’Andrea; Tracy Bergin; Ed Mayfield
Mr. Farmer called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. The Pledge of
Allegiance was led by Mr. Butler.
A motion was made by Mr. Rohlfs, seconded by Mr. Ruben to approve
the minutes from the February 19, 2015 meeting as printed. Motion
Mr. Butler opened the board meeting by giving a brief introduction
and greeting from the new State Representative for Illinois District

Mr. Rohlfs reported 180 gallons of fuel were sold in February. On
Tuesday night Mr. Rohlfs will make a motion to approve C&L Holzwarth,
INC’s Lease of ground which hangar “F” occupies for 3 years. Lease
would expire Jan 1, 2028. This extension is contingent upon
replacing the current hangar bi- fold doors with new ICON hydraulic
doors. Mr. Ruben seconded this motion to place it on the agenda. On
Tuesday night, Mr. Rohlfs will make a motion to approve contract
entitled “clear trees” in approach to runway ends 21 and 14 from
Gibbs Tree Contractors, in the amount of $54,060.00. The total
contract price is not settled yet. Mr. Rohlfs will have the
information on Tuesday night. Mr. Ruben seconded this motion to
place it on the agenda. Nothing further to report.
Animal Control: Nothing to report.
Building and Grounds:
On Tuesday night, Mr. Bateman will make a motion to approve Logan
County Tourism Bureau’s request for the purpose of allowing alcohol
on the premises of Latham Park during the first annual Arts in the
Park event. Discussion held. The area that will have alcohol in it
will have to be in the fenced in area. No alcohol allowed outside
the fence. Destination Logan County will need security for this
event, based on the city allowing them to have a temporary pour
license. Mrs. Schumacher seconded this motion to place it on the
agenda. On Tuesday night, Mr. Bateman will make a motion to approve
the annual LCHS Royal Grand March and Red Carpet Runway at the Logan
County Courthouse and Grounds on Saturday May 2, 2015. Mr. Rohlfs
seconded this motion to place it on the agenda. Mr. Bateman reported
the elevator should be up and running by next week. The elevator did
not pass inspection the first time.
KONE will be back next week to test the elevator again. Nothing
further to report.
Community Action:
Mr. Anderson reported Cheeseburger in Paradise is March 14, 2015.
Mr. O’Neill reported the new governor’s proposal has everyone
concerned at Community Action at this time.
Community Action will keep their fingers crossed. Mr. O’Neill
reported Head Start is at its full capacity, Public Transportation
is doing well. Mr. O’Neill reminded everyone of the Health Fair at
the end of the month.
Nothing further to report.
Mrs. Schumacher reported Mr. Anderson, Mrs. Meagher and Alison from
Community Action have been working hard on the interagency agreement
with Community Action. Mrs. Schumacher, Mr. Anderson and Mrs.
Meagher are looking to determine if the County and Community Action
are on the same mind set as far as the program, or if we need to
redo the contract or look at other operators. Mrs. Schumacher stated
she will be bringing forward a motion regarding the interagency
agreement in the near future. Nothing further to report.

Economic Development: Nothing to report.
On Tuesday night, Mr. Ruben will make a motion to approve LO 14-15
42 Resolution Amending the Logan County Annual Budget-FY 2015 for
Coroner’s Office in the amount of $5,000. Mr. Rohlfs seconded this
motion to place it on the agenda. On Tuesday night, Mr. Ruben will
make a motion to approve the Safety Complex Lease. Mr. Bateman
seconded this motion to place it on the agenda. Mr. Ruben reported a
gentleman approached Mr. Hepler about buying the hill out at the
farm. Mr. Ruben wants the County Board to think about this. Mr.
Ruben will discuss this item at the next Finance meeting. Nothing
further to report. General Assembly: Nothing to report.
Health: Nothing to report.
On Tuesday night, Mr. Anderson will make a motion to approve the
Blue Cross Health Insurance renewal with R.W. Garrett with the same
county contributions, effective May 1, 2015. On Tuesday night, Mr.
Anderson will make a motion to approve Liberty National to offer
Supplemental Insurance to County Employees at their own expense
through payroll deductions. Mrs. Schumacher seconded it to place it
on the agenda. On Tuesday night, Mr. Anderson will make a motion to
approve LO 14-15 41 Recognition of National Crime Victim Rights
Week. Mrs. Schumacher seconded it to place it on the agenda. On
Tuesday night, Mr. Anderson will make a motion to approve LO 14-15
43 Randy Conklen and Jim Hubrich to Logan County ETSB Board; LO
14-15 44 Alan Sasse to Northern Logan County Water Authority and
Becky Werth to Regional Planning Commission. Nothing further to
[to top of second column] |

Workforce Investment: Nothing to report.
Law Enforcement and EMA: Nothing to report.
Liquor: Nothing to report.
Planning and Zoning:
A motion was made by Mr. O’Neill, seconded by Mr. Bateman, to place
LO 14-15 29 Ordinance adding territory to the Lincoln-Logan
Enterprise Zone on the agenda for Tuesday. Discussion held. Mr.
McClure reported the resolution is to add Burtonview Co-op site in
unincorporated Logan County and Grainland Coop Company site in
Emden, IL to be added to the Enterprise Zone. Motion will be voted
on Tuesday night.
On Tuesday night, Mr. O’Neill will make a motion to approve LO
14-15 39 Resolution to Amend the Zoning Ordinance Case 2-A-15. Mr.
Bateman seconded this motion to place it on the agenda.
On Tuesday night, Mr. O’Neill will make a motion to approve LO 14-15
40 Resolution to Amend the Zoning Ordinance Case 3-A-15. Mrs.
Davenport seconded this motion to place it on the agenda. Mrs. Muck
thinks the ordinance needs to be looked at more closely. Mrs. Muck
would like to see this resolution sent back to committee for review.
Mr. Bateman would like to amend the motion to alternate proposal
number one to meet the criteria that Mrs. Muck wants. Alternate
Proposal 1 states: Uses listed in Section 3.73(b) and (c) shall be
permitted used: (1) for all land where such uses already exist and
are in operation on the effective date of this amendment; or (2) for
all land which has been or is otherwise approved or designated for
M-3 classification by ordinance of the Logan County Board on or
before the effective date of this amendment. All such uses
identified in (1) and (2) of this section as of the effective date
of this amendment are designated as M-3 on the attached zoning
classification map dated . Mr. O’Neill suggested the county board
take this issue back to committee. Mr. Ruben seconded this motion.
Economic Development Partnership: Nothing to report.

Road and Bridge:
On Tuesday night, Mr. Blankenship will make a motion to approve
LO 14-15 37, which is a resolution to award a contract for sealcoat
work in Orvil, Aetna, East Lincoln, and Hurlbut Townships. The
contract is to be awarded to Illinois Road Contractors of
Jacksonville, Illinois. Mr. Schaffenacker seconded this motion to
place it on the agenda. Mr. Blankenship reported Mr. Aukamp has been
working with Ameren to develop a road use agreement for their work
as they replace a transmission line between the Fogarty substation
and the Latham substation. This agreement was not ready at the Road
and Bridge meeting, but is now in its final form and ready to
review. Ameren is hoping to start this project next week. It will
involve 12 miles of County Highway between Broadwell and Mt.
Pulaski. This agreement was just finalized today, and has not gone
to the States Attorney yet for review. On Tuesday night, Mr.
Blankenship will make a motion to accept this road use agreement
with Ameren, pending approval of the States Attorney. Mr. Rohlfs
seconded this motion to place it on the agenda. Nothing further to
Waste Management: Nothing to report.
Mr. Anderson reported Safety will meet March 13 at 10:00a.m. Nothing
further to report.
Mrs. Schumacher reported the Personnel Committee wanted to bring
forward a motion to approve the revisions to the Personnel Policy.
However, Mrs. Turner e-mailed Mrs. Schumacher and said Judge Workman
and the States Attorney would like to contact other counties to see
if they have a resolution to exclude judicial and States Attorney.
Mrs. Schumacher is going to hold off her motion until next month.
Nothing further to report.
County Board Chairman’s Report:
Mr. Hepler would like to make to appointments on Tuesday evening and
there need to be changes to the Safety and Personnel assignments.
Nothing further to report.
A motion was made by Mr. O’Neill, seconded by Mr. Bateman, to
adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:46p.m.
[Copied from Logan County website]
