The members of the Logan County Board convened in Regular Board
session on the above date in the first floor Courtroom. Chairman
Robert Farmer called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. The pledge of
Allegiance to the American Flag was led by Mr. Blankenship.
Members Present: Dave Hepler; Andy Anderson; Rick Aylesworth; Kevin
Bateman; David Blankenship; Emily Davenport; Bob Farmer; Pat
O’Neill; Gene Rohlfs; Chuck Ruben; Scott Schaffenacker; Jan
Guests: See Attached Sheet (not provided on website)
A motion was made by Mr. Rohlfs, seconded by Mr. Farmer, to accept
and place on file the minutes from the Regular Board meeting on
March 17, 2015. Motion passed.
1) LO 14-15 53 Water and Fire Districts:
A motion was made by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Aylesworth, to
approve LO 14-15 53 Water and Fire Districts. Roll call vote taken
10 yes 2 abstain.
LO 14-15 48 Chestnut Geo Center
LO 14-15 49 Chestnut Fire Department
LO 14-15 50 Holy Family Church/Carroll Catholic School
LO 14-15 51 United Way of Logan County
LO 14-15 52 The Spark 2.0 Relay of Life
 A motion was made by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Blankenship, to
approve the raffles as presented. Motion passed.
Reports for the month of March 2015 were read by Clerk Sally
Turner as follows:
Sheriff’s report of fees collected: $3,267.64
Sheriff’s report of expenses: $76.17
Clerk of the Circuit Courts’ report:
Collections due to County General Fund: $76060.53
Collection of funds due to others: $64,068.37
Child Support: $47,639.43
County Clerk & Recorders fees collected: $22,421.66
Logan County Treasurer’s Cash Statement:
March Revenue: $535,254.14
March Expenses: ($817,649.60) March
Balance: $933,557.77
A motion was made by Mr. Bateman, seconded by Mr. Blankenship, to
accept and place these reports on file as read. Motion passed.
Chairman of Committees reported the following:
Airport/Farm: Nothing to report.
Animal Control:
A motion was made by Mr. Schaffenacker, seconded Mrs. Davenport, to
accept CRM’s bid of $2475.00 from 601-00-53027 for Gravel. Roll call
vote taken 12 yes 0 no. Motion passed
Building & Grounds:
A motion was made by Mr. Bateman, seconded by Mrs. Schumacher, to
approve Farmers Market in Latham Park from May 9th through October
31, 2015, on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 8a.m until noon on both
Discussion held. The committee discuss the Farmer’s Market extended
hours during the Art Fair.
A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Schaffenacker, to
refer it back to committee.
Discussion held.
Mr. Bateman asked Mr.Ruben to amend his motion to state only the
extended hours will be referred back to committee.

Mr. Ruben amended his motion to say referred back to committee for
the July 18th date to be discussed there and be brought back
Mr. Bateman will call both Farmer’s Market to let them know.
Mr. Ruben dropped his motion regarding referring the Farmer’s Market
back to committee. Mr. Ruben would like to approve the Farmer’s
Market - extended hours will not be approved at this time.
Voice vote motion passed.
A motion was made by Mr. Bateman, seconded by O’Neill, to approve
Flippers Lawn Management bid of $900.00 monthly for Lawn Care. Roll
call vote taken 12 yes 0 no. Motion passed. Mr. Bateman reported
this is for a two year term.
A motion was made by Mr. Bateman, seconded by Mr. O’Neill, to sell a
portion of County Farm of 9.676 acres.
Discussion held.
Mr. Ruben reported it would be better to split the parcel into two
lots, on the chance that more than one person may want to buy the
land. If that happened, the county may be able to get more money for
the land from potential bidders.
Mr. Rohlfs suggested extending the parcel to an even ten acres. If
the county did so, the land could be split into five acre lots
instead of trying to split it into uneven pieces.
Mr. Farmer is opposed to selling any of the County Farm property; he
says its history for the county.

Mr. Bateman amended his motion to make it an even ten acres. Mr.
O’Neill seconded the amended motion. Mr. Bateman clarified his
motion to state, make it an even ten acres and to split the ten
acres into two five acres parcels and move forward with selling the
Mr. Ruben reported if the County Board approves this motion tonight,
he would like to hold an executive session in May to discuss the
price. Roll call vote taken 7 yes 5 no. Motion passed. Nothing
further to report.
Finance :
A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Rohlfs, to approve
LO 14-15 54 Circuit Judge Amendment FY 2015. Roll call vote taken 12
yes 0 no. Motion passed.
A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. O’Neill, to approve
the audit. Roll call vote taken 12 yes 0 no. Motion passed.
A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Rohlfs, to approve
the Single Audit. Roll call vote taken 12 yes 0 no. Motion passed.
[to top of second column] |

A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Schaffenacker,
to approve the Circuit Clerk Audit. Roll call vote taken 12 yes
0 no. Motion passed. Nothing further to report. Insurance &
Legislation: Nothing to report.
Law Enforcement & EMA: Nothing to report.
Mrs. Schumacher reported Mrs. Meagher, Mr. Anderson, Mrs. Rumler and
herself met today and are making positive steps in the right
direction. Nothing further to report.
Economic Development:
A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. O’Neill, authorizing
a Chairman’s letter for board support of the 5th St. Road Lincoln
Project. Voice vote, motion passed.
Planning and Zoning: Nothing to report.
Road and Bridge:
Mr. Aukamp reported he completed bridge inspections and the bridges
are getting worse. Mr. Aukamp has been deferring a lot of projects
for a long time and he can’t continue to do that. Nothing further to
Community Action:
Mr. O’Neill reported Community Action meets next Thursday.
Nothing further to report.
Mr. Cavi reported the Health Department is working on getting a new
host for their website page.
Mr. Cavi reported 22 percent people in Lincoln use the Health
Departments Dental Center.
Mr. Cavi reported he hired Fay Allison as sanitarian. She will being
doing the inspection for the County.
Workforce Investment: Nothing to report.
General Assembly Liaison: Nothing to report.
Waste Management: Nothing to report.
Safety: Nothing to report.

A motion was made by Mr. Schaffenacker, seconded by Mr. O’Neill, to
allow Logan County Alliance the sale of wine at Latham Park in
conjunction with the Art Fair on July 17 and 18, 2015.
A motion to amend was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mrs.
Schumacher, to add the word beer after wine.
Discussion held regarding the amended motion.
The only discussion held was from Andi Hake and that was to clarify
the dates are July 18th and 19th.
Mr. Schaffenacker changed his motion and Mr. O’Neill seconded his
motion to reflect the correct dates. The board voted on the amended
motion. Roll call vote taken 10 yes 2 no. Motion passed.
Mr. Rohlfs asked Ms. Barr what is plan “B” if this motion does not
Ms. Barr reported plan B would be to have the tent in the tent in
the center of Pekin Street across from the Library but added that
the committee wanted to avoid the barriers imposed by the tent.
Mr. Rohlfs also asked if anyone from the County Board was on the
planning committee.
Ms. Barr reported no, but that anyone from the Board would be
welcome to join the committee if they would like to.
The committee voted on the main motion as amended. Roll call vote
taken 6 yes, 5 no, 1 present. Motion failed because the 1 present
vote counted as a no.
Mr. Schaffenacker reported he needs to hold a liquor meeting within
the next couple weeks to review the liquor license for Sugar Creek
Lodge. The committee will meet April 30, 2015 at 6:30.
Personnel: Nothing to report.

Committee reports of claims were read by Clerk Sally Turner:
A motion was made by Mr. Farmer, seconded by Mr. Aylesworth, to
accept and place on file the reports as read. Motion passed.
Chairman’s Report:
Mr. Hepler reported there will be a special meeting at North
Greens Golf Course in Atlanta on Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 6:30p.m
to discuss the governor’s turnaround agenda.
There will also be a special joint workshop meeting with the City
Councils from Atlanta and Mount Pulaski at 7:00p.m.
Nothing further to report.
Thank you card from Bethany Rea.
A motion was made by Mr. O’Neill, seconded by Mr. Schaffenacker, to
adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting ended at 7:57 pm.
[Copied from Logan County website]
