4-H Food, Nutrition & Health, and Home & Family judging results

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[July 30, 2015]     Send a link to a friend  Share

The following Logan County 4-H members were recognized recently during the 2015 food demonstrations, as well as Nutrition & Health, and Home & Family judging.

Click here for full list of results

Pictures by Patty Huffer

4-H Foods & Health State Fair Delegates & Alternates
Front – Miranda Nelson;   Back L to R: Raelyn Lessen, Ariana Hinkle, Hannah Crider, Ashley Hall, Roux Starr, Grace Skelton, Miriam Carter. Not Pictured: Cavit Schempp, Molly Schempp, Noah Stuckey, Lexi Tibbs, and Alyssa Zimmer


4-H Child Care, Home Interior, and Intergenerational State Fair Delegates & Alternates:
 Front L to R – Molly Schempp, Cavit Schempp, Mary Carlock; Back L to R: Hannah Crider, Grace Skelton, Ruth Ruhl, Kamryn Aylesworth, and Wil Buse

4-H Sewing/Textiles & Fashion Revue State Fair Delegates & Alternates:
Front L to R: Caroline Ahrends, Cavit Schempp, Molly Schempp, Jasmine Bottom; Back L to R: Kamryn Aylesworth, Ruth Lessen, Miriam Carter, Raelyn Lessen, Kathryn Slack, Krystina Slack

Special Sewing Award recipients:
L to R: Faith Sanders, Jamie Carlock, Taylor Boudeman and 2014 Fair Queen Alyssa Morris

Fashion Revue Plaque Winner
 Jamie Carlock and 21014 Fair Queen Alyssa Morris

Purchased Garment Plaque Winner
Kamryn Aylesworth and 2014 Fair Queen Alyssa Morris

Sewing & Textiles III Construction Plaque winner
Miriam Carter and Tanner Strampp (representative of Maxine Maxheimer family/plaque sponsor)

 Sewing & Textiles II Construction Plaque winner
Ruth Lessen and 2014 Fair Queen Alyssa Morris

Sewing & Textiles I Construction Plaque winner
Shelby Heyen and Tanner Strampp (representative of Maxine Maxheimer family/plaque sponsor)


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