Logan County Board
January Executive Caucus

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[June 12, 2015]  LINCOLN - Logan County Safety Complex January 13, 2015

Present: Jan Schumacher; Andy Anderson; Kevin Bateman; Dave Blankenship; Scott Schaffenacker; Dave Hepler; Bob Farmer; Pam Meagher

Mrs. Schumacher called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm.

New Business

Role of Committee: Mr. Hepler explained why he would like two different committees.

Brainstorming: Mrs. Meagher explained Logan County’s role in Public Trans and requested more involvement from this committee with its future plans.

Mrs. Meagher would like to expand the hours for Public Trans.

Mr. Bateman would like to see a punch card system.

Mrs. Meagher would like to make the vans more modern.

Mrs. Meagher would like to invite Allison from Community Action to the next Executive Meeting. Mrs. Meagher reported Community Action submitted a Capital Grant request to fix their parking lot. The Executive committee will need to discuss if they want to help Community Action fix their parking lot. The money is county money, does the county agree. Mr. Hepler would like Mrs. Meagher to research more grant opportunities, and report to executive each month with different grant ideas.

Mrs. Meagher would like to revisit the intergovernmental agreement with Community Action. Mrs. Meagher plans to review the intergovernmental agreement and highlight any problems she see and will report back to executive next month.

Mrs. Meagher would like more contracts with schools, employers etc.

Mrs. Schumacher would like Angie and Allison to come to the next meeting, to see if they have time for marketing.

Grant Writing: Mrs. Meagher attended a grant writing class, she explained what she learned in her grant writing class. Mrs. Meagher talked about different grants that are available.

[to top of second column]

Mr. Bateman changed the subject and began talking about the elevator. Mr. Bateman would like to redo the inside of the elevator. Mr. Bateman will get a quote from Todd Donaldson from KONE. Mr. Bateman will make a motion on Thursday night (January 15, 2015).

The committee would like Mrs. Meagher to make a list of different grant options.

HR: Mrs. Meagher reported the county needs an HR manager. Right now no one is in charge of that role. Mrs. Schumacher feels the HR manager should fall in the County Board’s Office. Mrs. Meagher would like to attend a HR conference in March.

Mrs. Meagher discussed using the conference room. Mrs. Meagher would like Mrs. Freese and herself to be informed when someone wants to use the conference room. Mrs. Meagher would like to send out an e-mail as a friendly reminder to please ask before assuming they could have the conference room.

Discussion was held regarding elevator time frames, moves and accommodations while the elevator is done. The committee feels the County Board Office should not be directing traffic during this time.

Mrs. Meagher brought up a concern with vouchers having to be signed by the treasurer’s office before being submitted. Mr. Bateman would like two sets of eyes to look at each voucher. The committee would like to vote on Mrs. Meagher signing the vouchers.

The committee would like to meet again on February 10, 2015 at 6:30.

A motion was made by Mr. Schaffenacker, seconded by Mr. Anderson, to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting ended at 8:18 pm.

[Copied from Logan County website]

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