Present: Kevin Bateman; Bob Farmer; David Hepler; Gene Rohlfs;
Chuck Ruben; Jan Schumacher Absent:
Guests: Dennis Reves
Mr. Bateman called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Hepler, to approve
the minutes from the January 6, 2015 meeting. Motion passed.
Old Business:
County Website/Job Listing Update: Mrs. Schumacher and Mrs. Meagher
met with Jackie Kelly from MCS. Mrs. Schumacher would like this item
moved to Executive agenda.
Update on Elevator:
Mr. Bateman reported KONE started working on the elevator. KONE
works from 6a.m-4:30p.m Monday thru Thursday. Mr. Bateman reported
the fire alarm in the old shaft will not work with the new elevator.
Mr. Reves will meet with Simplex and KONE to figure out what the
Courthouse needs to do to be compliant with the new elevator. Mr.
Ruben reported the auditor expressed concern over the allocation of
expenses for some recent major projects. As a result expenses may be
moved from FY 15 to 14. This may cause our current budget to appear
better than it really is. Mr. Reves reported everything is going
smoothly with the elevator renovations.
 Salary Reimbursement and Office Renovation-Kim Turner’s Office:
Mr. Bateman spoke with Mrs. Turner the other day. Mr. Bateman needs
to get bids for HVAC. Mr. Bateman is working on this item.
Abraham Lincoln Statue:
Mr. Bateman reported nothing has changed where the statue is going.
The committee discussed placement of the Lincoln Statue on the
Courthouse lawn. Mr. Reves will get measurements and Mr. Bateman
will get bids for concrete. Keep on the agenda for next month.
Military Veteran’s Information Center:
Mr. Hepler reported Lucas Wellers will attend next month’s meeting.
Mr. Wellers will try to get flags for the Veteran’s Center here in
the Courthouse.
Sandstone and Step Repair:
Mr. Bateman reported this item needs to be put on the back burner.
The committee will revisit this item in the future.
Mrs. Schumacher asked Mrs. Meagher to look into grant money for park
benches. Mrs. Schumacher reported the County received rebate money
back from the HVAC project. The total rebate was $10,348. Mrs.
Schumacher reported she received a call from 360 Energy Group
yesterday, they reported there is more money available for another
energy assessment. They asked if we would like to do any work at the
Highway Department. The gentlemen will call Mr. Aukamp himself.
[to top of second column] |

New Business:
Chamber Wine Tent: The Chamber would like a Wine Tent in Latham
Park during the Balloon Fest. Mr. Bateman’s question is who the
Chamber would need to get a liquor license from, the County or
the City. Mr. Bateman reported he would tell the Chamber it’s
okay with the County but they need to contact the City Police
Farmer’s Market-Scully Park Annual Family Fun Day-Scully Park
A motion was made by Mr. Schumacher, seconded by Mr. Hepler, to
approve requests. Motion passed.
Report from Dennis Reves:
Mr. Bateman reported there is a safe in the basement. Mr. Ruben
suggested Mr. Bateman should send out an e-mail asking any
department heads if they have a use for the safe. If they do not
have use for the safe then the county could sell it in Mr.
Aukamp’s sale.
Mr. Reves reported the fence company will be at the Courthouse
Mr. Reves is meeting with the Simplex gentleman tomorrow
regarding the fire alarm.
Mr. Reves reported the County Board Secretaries love their new
Ptac unit in their office.
Budget Review: No concerns.
Public Comments: (Nothing in report)
A motion was made by Mr. Farmer, seconded by Mr. Rohlfs, to
approve the bills. Motion passed.
A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Farmer, to
adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting ended at 8:00 pm.
[Copied from Logan County website]
