Board members present were Brandy Splitter, Randy Wolf, Jeff
Brooks, Jason Toft, Dwane Morris, Tish Podujanec and Karen Martinez.
The agenda and minutes were approved and then Jennifer Hamm provided
a year-end analysis. Hamm said CEL "ended the year well" and noted
that it was better than anyone expected. As finances go, there is a
surplus of $264,813.44 as the end of the 2015 fiscal year ends,
something Hamm cited as "great in this financial climate." She
showed the board and attendees a spreadsheet that broke down the
finances. In the education fund, there is a surplus of $249,915.28;
in operation and maintenance, $13,261.97; in road and interest,
$3541.66; in IMRF-50, $2,401.23; and working cash, $13,137.40.
Two areas showed a deficit this year--transportation and total
immunity. The transportation deficit, which was $19,879.89, occurred
because the school had to purchase a new van and the state of
Illinois withheld the last transportation payment. The total
immunity fund had a deficit of $9,686.29 due to unanticipated legal
fees and negotiations. Hamm noted that CEL is in pretty good shape
with a nice little cushion [financially].

Among other business, Hamm stated that there was a 5.31% increase in
the general state for fiscal year 2016. She also shared that there
is a calendar discrepancy that had not been caught showing May 28th
as an attendance day - even after emergency days are used. The
school will be one day short of the 180 days of attendance required,
which could result in a $2,000 penalty.
Hamm also reported that the school board passed a memo of agreement,
but the CEL association has not yet passed it because they want to
add an action item that if a teacher transfers to a different grade
level, could they have one day of coaching/mentoring with another
Hamm also brought up scheduling issues stating that a new student's
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) will add significant education
time to staff and they may need to hire someone to assist. She
presented three possible options.
- Option one would be to leave it as is and hire a certified
special education teacher to cover 50% of the day with the one
student and the other 50% as a Title 1 or resource teacher.
- Option two would be to combine eighth grade sections in
groups of 21 and 15, which allows existing staff to cover the
IEP (with the assistance from Lane Wright. Finally, option three
would utilize a revised schedule using teachers already listed
and hire a special education teacher to cover 50% and provide
Response to Intervention (RTI) support the other 50%.
- In option one and three, the school could get a $9,000
reimbursement through grants. The salary for the staff member
would be $31,748.00. The options will be considered by the
Hamm also asserted that the school needs Title 1 support in
reading, with at least a half-time person needed in this area.
There is also a need to hire a special education aide for
kindergarten. She also noted some lunch coverage issues due to
aides being spread too thin with duties.
[to top of second column] |

Hamm reported that year end reports have been submitted to the Illinois State
Board of Education and the school report card will be completed this week. The
Fourth quarter Title 1 and Title 2 expense reports have been written.
Before moving on to new business, Splitter asked whether an aide would be needed
for one specific student, and Hamm replied that the student needs support, but
also needs to be in a general education classroom. Hamm explained that any
person hired could be used for other supports.
Hamm reminded the board that the principal can only be on an activities account,
and the superintendent will have to sign for other accounts. She noted that a
superintendent, even as an interim, needs to be hired by July 1. Brooks said
that they will meet in a special session next week to discuss this issue.
Among non-action items, Hamm said that with property and casualty insurance, the
school saved money, but health insurance rates will increase at a 35% rate
(retirees can be on plan for the rest of their lives). She shared that last
year, there was $70,000 in premiums and $140,000 in claims. They have found
plans with higher deductibles that will cost $457.00 a month. For teachers, the
premium will be covered, while for support staff, it will be 80/20.
Finally, Hamm announced the resignations of basketball coach Whitney Kessinger
and assistant volleyball coach Mindy Spears.
New business action items were the prevailing wage resolution, contract and
compensation agreement for Laura Irwin, hiring of Mindy Spear as girl's
basketball coach for 2015-2016, property and casualty insurance renewal, Health
Alliance renewal, and a resolution to transfer working cash fund to operation
and maintenance. The board approved all these items.

Before adjourning the meeting Brooks expressed gratitude to Hamm for all she had
done and wished her well in her new position.
The next regularly scheduled board meeting will be Tuesday, July 21, 2015 at
6:00 p.m.
[Angela Reiners] |