Farm Safety
Look Up and Look Out!

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[May 01, 2015]  With nice weather this April, farmers across Illinois have been busy planting. Despite the business of the season, it is important for farmers to take the time to look up and look out for overhead power lines.

“There are steps farmers can take to help keep themselves and workers safe when working around electricity,” says Kyla Kruse, communications director of the Energy Education Council and it's Safe Electricity program. “With the use of large equipment, farmers can easily find themselves in dangerous proximity to overhead lines. Being aware of the location of those wires can help reduce accidents.”

Safe Electricity urges farm workers to be alert to the dangers of working with tall equipment near power lines. These lines are most often on the edge of fields and roadways, where equipment may pass getting to the field and where equipment may be parked.

Follow safe work practices at all times even if it takes a little extra time. To prevent accidents, start by making sure everyone knows to maintain a minimum 10-foot clearance from power lines - in all directions, at all times. It can be difficult to estimate distance, and sometimes a power line is closer than it looks. A spotter, someone with a broader view, can help with that.


Sprayer arms, planter arms, tractors with antennas - any tall equipment could come in contact with overhead power lines if operators are not watchful. Equipment contacting power lines is cited as the most common accident resulting in farm electrocutions.

Avoid raising the arms of planters near power lines, and never attempt to raise or move a power line to clear a path. Danger areas need to be thoroughly identified and labeled. Plan routes to avoid hazard areas.

Never assume that because the machinery passed under the lines in one area means it will clear another. Simply coming too close to a power line is dangerous as electricity can arc to conducting material.

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If wires are low, contact the local electric utility. Don’t try to fix them. Electric distribution lines along rural roads can carry thousands of volts and only professional utility line workers are qualified to make any adjustments.

If equipment does come into contact with power lines, stay in the cab and call for help. Don't try to maneuver out of the power lines. Doing so could make an incredibly dangerous situation worse. Warn others who may be nearby to stay away and wait until the electric utility arrives to cut off the power.

"Only leave the cab if staying in it is too dangerous, as in the case of fire,” Kruse advises, "and then specific steps must be followed to do so safely."

If this is the case, exit the cab by jumping from it with both feet together. Don’t touch the ground and the equipment at the same time. Then hop away to safety, keeping both feet together while leaving the area. Once away from the equipment, never attempt to get back on or even touch the equipment before the power has been shut off.

“When equipment has made contact with a power line, it is critical to know what to do,” Kruse adds. “Not knowing the proper procedures can cause serious injury or even death.”

For more information, visit 

[Kyla Krus]


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