Logan County Board
September Insurance and Legislative

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[November 04, 2015]  LINCOLN -  Insurance and Legislative Meeting Logan County Safety Complex September 9, 2015

Present: Andy Anderson; Jan Schumacher; Kevin Bateman; Emily Davenport; Dave Hepler Absent: Scott Schaffenacker
Guests: Nancy Schaub

Mr. Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

A motion was made by Mr. Bateman, seconded by Mr. Hepler, to approve the minutes from the August 12, 2015 as printed. Motion passed.

Old Business

1) Burial Assistance Resolution LO 14-15 89:
No action needed.

2) Liability of off-duty Sheriff Deputies: Mr. Anderson will report back next month.

New Business

1. Veteran’s Assistance Commission:
Mr. Hepler explained that once multiple veteran organizations join together to petition the County Board for recognition as a unified VAC, the Board will be held responsible for bills received from the VAC, whether a levy is passed or not. He provided the committee with a spreadsheet of numerous Counties throughout Central Illinois that have VACs and how each is funded. Mr. Hepler stated the importance of a levy as a funding source for the VAC.

2. VAC Tax Levy – A motion was made by Mr. Bateman, seconded by Mr. Hepler to place the levy on the March Primary ballot. Motion passed.

3. Broker Update-
a. Mrs. Schaub explained that the vision care plan cost is increasing by approximately .22 cents. The new rate is guaranteed for 2 years.

b. Affordable Care Act Compliance: The County insurance reporting requirement for groups with more than 50 full-time employees changes in 2016. “6055” is a form from BCBS that every individual covered by insurance will receive that verifies they did have coverage.

The County also has to report that it did offer coverage of at least minimum value and meets minimum essential coverage. The County’s report will go to the IRS.

The form has a lot of different specialty coding. For this year only, there is no penalty for a good-faith effort to accurately complete the forms. There will be a penalty beginning in 2017.

The County can either complete the form itself or can hire a vendor to complete it for the County. The forms can be filed electronically or via paper. The forms are due to all employees by January 31 and the reporting is due to the IRS by February 20.

[to top of second column]

RW Garrett receives no compensation for any vendor referral. Mrs. Schaub explained the costs for groups the size of the County, depending on the vendor, can range between $1,500- $3,000.

A motion was made by Mrs. Schumacher, seconded by Mr. Bateman to create a new line item for “Affordable Care Act Compliance” in the 15-16 Budget for $5,000. Motion passed.

Appointments: A motion was made by Mrs. Schumacher, seconded by Mr. Hepler to approve the appointment of Bill Thomas to the Great Peoria Economic Development Council. Motion passed.

ZBA Appointments: Tabled until next month. Mrs. Schumacher will release a notice in the newspaper asking for ZBA applications.

Recognitions: None

Raffles: A motion was made by Mrs. Schumacher, seconded by Mrs. Davenport to approve the Oasis Senior Center Raffle and the Center for Youth & Family Solutions Raffle. Motion passed.

Budget Review: None

Public Comments: None

A motion was made by Mr. Bateman, seconded by Mrs. Schumacher, to approve the bills as presented for payment. Motion passed.

A motion was made by Mr. Bateman, seconded by Mrs. Schumacher, to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting ended at 7:39 pm.

[Copied from Logan County website]

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