Slim Randles' Home Country
is as good a name as any
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[October 24, 2015]
Dewey Decker bought that acre on the edge of town from Gil
Masterson, it astonished some people, but others, like Doc, just
smiled and nodded. It’s a natural progression. Gil raises vegetables
on a large scale, and the rumor is that it was at least partially
paid for in “product,” because Dewey is the undisputed Pharoah of
Phertilizer in these parts. |
Dewey then did another trade-out with a local handyman for a
couple of rabbit hutches. He installed a buck and several does in
“Everyone knows rabbits produce superior product,” Dewey told his
lady love, Emily Stickles, she of the fantastic cheekbones and
finely honed business acumen. Emily glowed, knowing that this rabbit
idea was strictly Dewey’s.
Well, the rabbits produced product all right, and Dewey put a few
hundred of his finest red wiggler fishing worms under the hutch to
put the finishing touches on primo fertilizer … we mean
houseplant-grade fertilizer. It’ll bring more money in, too.
After a few months, there was quite a mound of product to be
processed, and there was also a marked increase in the rabbit

Dewey really enjoyed watching the baby rabbits grow up. But then he
had to decide whether to have rabbit for dinner or just turn them
all into product makers. The product idea won. This meant buying
more hutches, but he was able to do this with the houseplant
fertilizer money, which also bought rabbit pellets.
One of the best parts of this division of his soil amendments
business was that Dewey could actually feed and care for the rabbits
and their product with nothing but a shovel. And accident-prone
Dewey can handle any tool fairly well, as long as it isn’t sharp,
has no moving parts and is commonly called a shovel.
Windy’s driving the loader and the truck for him now, several days a
week, and Emily is taking care of the books. So Dewey just watches
happily as the growing rabbit population produce … well, product is
as good a name as any.
Life is good.
[Text from file received from
Slim Randles] |

Ol' Jimmy Dollar
is Slim Randles' first children's book. The book is for kids
K-3rd grades and is even better when parents read it with children.
Ol' Jimmy Dollar makes for sweet dreams and if you have a dog
even better. Available now on Amazon.
