Logan County Board
May Building and Grounds

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[September 09, 2015]  LINCOLN - Building and Grounds Committee Meeting - Logan County Safety Complex - May 5, 2015

Present: Kevin Bateman; Bob Farmer; David Hepler; Gene Rohlfs; Chuck Ruben; Jan Schumacher
Absent: Dennis Reves
Guests: Grace Konczyk; Emma Nobbe; Emily Hauter; Ashley Jacob; Adam Schmitt

Mr. Bateman called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

A motion was made by Mr. Hepler, seconded by Mr. Farmer, to approve the minutes from the April 7, 2015 meeting. Motion passed.

Old Business:

Salary Reimbursement and Office Renovation- Kim Turner’s Office:
Mr. Bateman still needs to reach out to Mrs. Turner. Keep on the agenda.

Abraham Lincoln Statue: Mr. Bateman reported the statue is loose. The committee discussed different ideas on how they can stabilize the statue. Mr. Bateman does not want to use caulk on the base.

Military Veteran’s Information Center: Keep on agenda.

Floor Plan at the Assessor’s Office: Mr. Bateman reported Denise Martinek received a quote from Tillman Construction. The quote was for removing a partition wall for Supt. of Schools, reuse existing trim to fill remaining wall and move wiring to nearest wall.

The quote came in at $500.00.

Mr. Bateman reported we cannot put an elevator in at the assessor’s office.

Mr. Ruben would like Mrs. Martinek and Mr. D’Andrea to come to the next meeting to discuss the lay out.

Mrs. Schumacher mentioned buying Superintendent of Schools AED machine when they close.

Part-Time Summer Help: Mr. Bateman reported Sheriff is okay with hiring summer help. Sheriff only asked if the employee checks in with county board members.

Lights in the Safety Complex: Mrs. Schumacher asked about getting the lights fixed.

Mr. Bateman reported Mr. Blankenship’s friend who owns a bucket truck plans to come fix the lights soon.

Mrs. Schumacher also reported a couple of lights at the park are already out. Mr. Reves will get ahold of BLI to get it fixed.

[to top of second column]

New Business:

Smoke Free Parks- REALITY Group:
The Reality Group presented a PowerPoint to the committee to state why they think Scully and Latham Park should be smoke free.

A motion was made by Mr. Hepler, seconded by Mrs. Schumacher, to adopt a resolution to make Latham and Scully Parks tobacco free. Motion passed.

Discussion held. Ms. Hauter reported REALITY will pay for the signs. They will also prepare a press release. REALITY will maintain the parks signs.

Mr. Bateman does not have a problem with making the parks smoke free as long as REALITY is willing to pay for the signs and maintain the signs.

The REALITY group knows this will be hard to enforce, but they believe it will help reduce the smoke use in the park.

A motion to amend was made by Mr. Rohlfs, seconded by Mr. Ruben, to put signs up on the half of both parks that have playground equipment. Motion failed. Mr. Bateman will make a motion on Thursday, May 14, 2015 to the full board.

Natural Gas Contract- Adam Schmidt: Mr. Schmidt presented the committee with a graph to show our natural gas uses. Right now rates are low. The county has already signed with Vanguard for one year. A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mrs. Schumacher, to go out for bids for years two and three. Motion passed.

Requests: None

Report from Dennis Reves: No report.

A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Rohlfs, to approve the bills. Motion passed.

A motion was made by Mrs. Schumacher, seconded by Mr. Farmer, to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting ended at 7:50 pm.

[Copied from Logan County website]

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