Logan County Board
May Personnel

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[September 10, 2015]  LINCOLN - Personnel Committee Logan County Board Room, Courthouse May 11, 2015

Present: Jan Schumacher, Andy Anderson; Vicki Dugan; Bob Farmer; Nina Huddlestun; Chuck Ruben Absent: None
Guests: Jon Wright

Mrs. Schumacher called the meeting to order at 10:00 am.

A motion was made by Mrs. Huddlestun, seconded by Mr. Hepler, to approve the minutes from the March 9, 2015 meeting as printed. Motion passed.

Old Business:

Personnel Policy Revisions:
Mr. Wright does not feel it’s necessary to include statutory laws in the personnel policy. Mr. Wright agrees the County needs to follow those laws, but they don’t need to be listed all the way out in the personnel policy. He is okay with just referencing them in our policy.

The committee agreed under Employee Credit Privacy, they will put “Logan County seeks to comply with the Employee Credit Privacy Act (820 ILCS 70) in the protection of the privacy of employee credit history and to prevent discrimination based on such history”.

The employee will be required to then search the Act and research it themselves.

The committee agreed any statutory law that is in the personnel policy will be listed with the act number for employees to reference.

Mr. Wright will send out a memo to each department head explaining the Employee Credit Privacy Act, VESSA, USERRA, FMLA and the Concealed Carry.

Concealed Carry- Mrs. Schumacher will reword the language under concealed carry. Mrs. Schumacher will clean up the language and send the policies to Mr. Wright to review.

A motion was made by Mr. Hepler, seconded by Mr. Ruben, to send the personnel policy revisions to the full board. Motion passed.

Affirmative Action Plan: Mrs. Rogers reported the County needs an affirmative action plan, however the auditors said we did not. Mrs. Dugan will email Adam Pulley to remind him to research this item for the County Board.

[to top of second column]

FMLA implementation: Mrs. Schumacher asked Mrs. Huddlestun how they handle FMLA. Mrs. Huddlestun will e-mail Mrs. Schumacher a form for employees to fill out.

The committee discussed when FMLA starts and how it may or may not apply to all departments.

Mrs. Schumacher will add language to say the personnel handbook pertains to all employees under authority of the county board, including departments headed by officials appointed by the county board.

Although elected officials have the authority to establish their own policies, most policies in the handbook are in place countywide.

Mrs. Schumacher will add language to state the employee has to use their sick time and vacation time before FMLA kicks in.

Mrs. Schumacher will make changes to the personnel policy for Thursday night’s meeting and she will email Mr. Wright the information to send out to department heads.

HR Management: Mrs. Schumacher does not feel we are at the point to hire a HR manager. Mr. Ruben feels Mrs. Schumacher needs to have a meeting with the elected officials to see how they feel about hiring a HR manager. Mr. Anderson wants to ask CIRMA if we can just rely on Donna Rogers to be Logan County’s HR manager.

IWIN Procedure: Mr. Aukamp reported he was unsatisfied with an employee’s recent experience with IWIN.

A motion was made by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Farmer, to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting ended at 10:50a.m

[Copied from Logan County website]

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