Present: Pat O’Neill; Emily Davenport; Kevin Bateman; David
Blankenship; Gene Rohlfs; Dave Hepler
Guests: Jan Schumacher, Will D’Andrea; Doug Muck; Derek Hurley;
James Sprague; Kailyn Arch
Mr. O’Neill called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.
A motion was made by Mr. Blankenship, seconded by Mr. Rohlfs, to
approve the minutes from the April 1, 2015 meeting as printed.
Motion passed.
Old Business:
Subdivision Ordinance- Nothing to report.
New Business:

Ordinance Amendment: Mr. D’Andrea reported there is a proposal
to increase the size of the ZBA from 5 to 7 members. While each
geographical area (as indicated by County Board Districts) cannot be
represented the requested change will allow greater coverage of our
Mr. Bateman reported he believes there should be a 3 year term
A motion was made by Mr. Blankenship, seconded by Mr. Hepler, to
increase the size of the ZBA board from 5 to 7 members. Motion
A motion to amend was made by Mr. Bateman, seconded by Mr.
Blankenship, to limit terms to no more than 3 years.
This committee discussed how they would apply term limits. Mrs.
Schumacher would like her and Mr. Bateman to sit down and draft
language for the ordinance amendment regarding the ZBA members.
Motion to amend passed.
Mr. Bateman would like a sentence in the amendment to state a
term limit will be determined by draw or flip of a coin.
[to top of second column] |

Quarry Land Rezoning: ZBA will meet tomorrow night at
WL-B at 7:30p.m. Mr. D’Andrea reported that most likely, the
quarry land rezone should be in front of the board this month.
Mr. Muck asked, since he submitted his application before the
County Board passed conditional uses, does he need to resubmit this
A motion was made by Mr. Bateman, seconded by Mr. Hepler,
confirming the applicant does not need to pay new application fees
for the two parcels, since he already applied before the county
board changed the ordinance to conditional use.
Zoning Officer’s Report: Nothing to report.
Public comments:
Communications: None
A motion was made by Mr. Bateman, seconded by Mrs. Davenport, to
approve the bills. Motion passed.
A motion was made by Mr. Hepler, seconded by Mrs. .Davenport, to
adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting ended at 7:05 pm.
[Copied from Logan County website]