Present: Bob Farmer – Vice Chairman; Dave Hepler- Chairman; Andy
Anderson; Rick Aylesworth; Kevin Bateman; David Blankenship; Emily
Davenport; Pat O’Neill; Gene Rohlfs; Chuck Ruben; Scott
Schaffenacker; Jan Schumacher
Guests: See Attached Sheet. (not provided on website)
Mr. Farmer called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. The Pledge of
Allegiance was led by Mrs. Davenport.
A motion was made by Mr. Rohlfs, seconded by Mr. Ruben to approve
the minutes from the April 16, 2015 meeting as printed. Motion
Reality: Jacob Konczyk presented a PowerPoint to the
committee promoting no smoking in Latham and Scully Park. A motion
was made by Mr. Bateman, seconded by Mr. O’Neill, to allow Reality
to put up signs at Latham and Scully Park to make them smoke free
parks. This motion will be voted on Tuesday night. Mr. Bateman
reported this is at no cost to the county.
Airport/Farm: Mr. Rohlfs reported 283 gallons of fuel were
sold in April. Nothing further to report.
Animal Control: Nothing to report.

Building and Grounds: A motion was made by Mr. Bateman,
seconded by Mr. O’Neill, to allow LAMS to use Latham Park on every
Sunday in June and July. This motion will be voted on Tuesday night.
Nothing further to report.
Community Action: Mr. O’Neill reported there are no more
signs for people to put in their yards to advertise for Head Start.
Nothing further to report.
Executive: Mrs. Schumacher reported the Executive committee
would like to add language to the meeting/deliberation/vote to state
”A roll call vote also shall be taken if requested by at least one
member of the Board, providing such request is made before another
item of business is taken up by the Board.” This item will be voted
on Tuesday night.
Mrs. Schumacher reported the Executive committee tabled any
discussion on the Golf Course in Atlanta until June.
Mrs. Schumacher reported the Executive committee discussed the
Lincoln Rural Fire Trustee appointments. The committee discussed
allowing Lincoln Rural to increase their board to 5 members.
However, the County Board cannot make that motion. Lincoln Rural
plans to talk to their attorney to see if they are able to increase
their board. The committee will table this motion until June.
Mrs. Schumacher reported next month she will have Community
Action agreements for the board to sign.
Mrs. Schumacher reported on Tuesday night she will bring forward
a motion to accept MSC to redesign and update the Logan County
Website. The county will pay for the website out of 101-21- 56102.
Nothing further to report.
Economic Development: Mr. Ruben reported construction has
started out at Cresco lab. June 6th will be the official ground
breaking with the County Board. Nothing further to report.

Finance: A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr.
Rohlfs, to go out for proposal for a virtual server. Proposals will
be opened in June at the Finance meeting.
A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Rohlfs, to sell
the County “Poor Farm” property on sale July 31, 2015 at 1p.m. This
motion will be voted on Tuesday night.
A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Bateman, to go
into executive session pursuant to 5ILCS 120/2 (c) (5).
Mr. Ruben withdraw his motion and Mr. Bateman withdrew his
second. The board will go into executive session at the end of the
A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Rohlfs, to set
the per diem at $200.00 for the Board of Review, with them receiving
two per diems for testing and passing the tests and two hundred
dollar per diem for them to continue education with a max of 10 per
diems per year, excluding testing. This item will be voted on
Tuesday night.
Mr. Ruben would like to refer back to committee the juror fees.
A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Hepler, to
increase the ZBA per diem to $60.00 plus mileage.
Mr. Ruben reported LO 14-15 63 and 64 will be discussed next
month. Nothing further to report.
General Assembly: Mrs. Davenport reported there are two items
before the legislature. They are regarding open meetings acts and
property taxes. Mrs. Davenport will watch these two items to see if
we need to make any changes. Nothing further to report.
Health: Nothing to report.

Insurance/Legislation: A motion was made by Mr. Anderson,
seconded by Mr. O’Neill, to approve LO 14-15 66, 67 and 68. This
item will be voted on Tuesday night.
A motion was made by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. O’Neill, to
approve LO 14-15 65- Dave Schonauer to the Logan County Regional
Planning. This item will be voted on Tuesday night.
Mr. Anderson reported there are 4 people who would like to be
appointed to the Board of Review. The committee agreed to appoint
Jane Ryan, Ann Curry, and Warren Grover. Mrs. Freese will type those
appointments before Tuesday night. This item will be voted on
Tuesday night.
Mr. Anderson read a report from Mrs. Meagher explaining what the
BennyCard is. Mr. Bateman asked how many people would be receiving
the card. Mr. Anderson was unable to answer this question. He will
ask Mrs. Meagher tomorrow and report back Tuesday. The BennyCard
would cost the county $100.00 per month in administration fees to
A motion was made by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. O’Neill, to
appoint 3 people to the Board of Reviews on Tuesday night. This item
will be voted on Tuesday night. Nothing further to report.
[to top of second column] |

Workforce Investment: Mr. O’Neill reported several new
businesses are coming to town. Mr. O’Neill reported all
commercial properties on Union have been sold. Someone purchased
Crossroads Motel and plans on turning it into an assisted living
facility. Nothing to report.
Law Enforcement and EMA: A motion was made by Mr.
Aylesworth, seconded by Mr. Anderson, to approve LO 14-15 56 to
renew the ambulance contract.
A motion to amend was made by Mr. Aylesworth, seconded Mr. Ruben,
to approve LO 14-15 56 based on State’s Attorneys memorandum. This
item will be voted on Tuesday night. Nothing further to report.
Liquor: Mr. Schaffenacker reported the next meeting will be
June 11, 2015 at 6:30. A motion was made by Mr. Schaffenacker,
seconded by Mr. Bateman , to approve a one month liquor license for
Sugar Creek lodge. This item will be voted on Tuesday night. Nothing
to report.
Planning and Zoning: A motion was made by Mr. O’Neill,
seconded by Mr. Ruben, to approve LO 14-15 57 Resolution to amend
the Logan County Zoning Map Case 4-R-15.
Discussion held. Glenda Downing reported she doesn’t know exactly
how far she would be from the mining operation or facility.
Ms. Downing is concerned about air quality, property values and
her water well being compromised.
Ms. Downing reported Mr. Muck has yet to have a contract in place
yet with a company and she’s raising questions about the transfer of
the operations to different companies.
Ms. Downing wants the board to look closely at this and offer
reassurance that it’s going to be a safe environment.
 Mr. Muck reported he gave each county board member a DVD that has
the support memorandum of his rezone.
Mr. Muck would like to get Hanson back to operate the proposed
quarry or he will put together his own team.
Mr. Muck is going through the financial benefits of the project
Mr. Muck has talked to several nearby landowners over the past
few months to make sure their concerns are addressed, and will
continue to do so for several months.
Mr. Muck plans to talk to Mrs. Downing to address her concerns.
He’s submitting groundwater information and says the Mahomet Aquifer
would not be impacted.
Mr. Muck went through the LaSalle factors point-by- point. Mr.
Muck handed out several exhibits for the county board to review. All
are in the County Board Office to view.
Mr. O’Neill reported Logan County needs a rock quarry because
residents have to travel to get rock.
A motion was made by Mr. O’Neill, seconded by Mr. Anderson, to
increase the ZBA to a 7 member board. This item will be voted on
Tuesday night.
Economic Development Partnership: Nothing to report.
Road and Bridge: A motion was made by Mr. Blankenship, seconded by
Mr. Ruben, to approve LO 14-15 55 which is a resolution to award a
contract for sealcoat oil and bituminous patch mix. Sealcoat oil
would be supplied by Illinois Road Contractors of Jacksonville.
Bituminous patch mix would be supplied by Louis Marsch, Inc. of
Morrisonville. This item will be voted on Tuesday night.
Mr. Blankenship reported Ameren is planning to continue their
project to replace a transmission line. Currently, they are
replacing the poles and lines between Latham and the Fogarty
substation. Next, they will replace the poles and lines between the
Fogarty substation and Mason County.
 A road use agreement has been written to help protect the 9 miles
of County Highways that will be affected. This agreement is
identical to the other used for the first phase of the project.
A motion was made by Mr. Blankenship, seconded by Mr.
Schaffenacker, to accept this road use agreement with Ameren. This
item will be voted on Tuesday night. Nothing further to report.
Waste Management: Nothing to report.
Safety: Nothing to report.
Personnel: Mrs. Schumacher reported the Personnel Committee
made several changes to the personnel policy. The board members
reviewed the changes.
A motion was made by Mrs. Schumacher, seconded by, to approve the
changes in the personnel policies. This item will be voted on
Tuesday night. Nothing further to report.
County Board Chairman’s Report: Nothing to report.
Public Comments: Eric Harrson addressed the board regarding
the Turnaround Agenda. Mr. Harrson would like the County Board to
rescind their vote. Mr. Harrson feels “it is just not right for
union workers. We stand very union- proud in Logan County”.
A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by, to go into executive
session pursuant to 5ILCS 120/2 (c) (5) potential purchase or sale
of property. In executive session at 8:50p.m. Out of executive
session at 9:06p.m
A motion was made by Mr. O’Neill, seconded by Mr. Bateman, to
adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:07.p.m.
[Copied from Logan County website]
