Present: Gene Rohlfs; Rick Aylesworth; David Blankenship, Bob
Farmer, Chuck Ruben, Scott Schaffenacker
Absent: Dave Hepler
Guests: Cara Barr; Nicole Cox; Curt Fox
Mr. Rohlfs called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
A motion was made by Mr. Aylesworth, seconded by Mr. Blankenship, to
approve the minutes from the May 4, 2015 meeting as printed. Motion
Old Business:
Fuel Farm Update: Nothing to report.
Pavement Marking and Maintenance (AAA-4438) Update: Mr.
Rohlfs reported the letting for this project will be June 12, 2015
Farm Timber Property: Mr. Ruben reported Mrs. Turner typed up
the ad for the paper. Mr. Ruben came in last week and reviewed the
ad with Mrs. Turner. Mrs. Turner sent the ad to be reviewed by Mr.
Wright. Mrs. Turner will run the ad on the third Wednesday of June
in the Courier and the following Wednesday in the Shopper.
Hangar Doors 15, 16, 13, 23 repairs- Update: Mr. Rohlfs
reported hangar repairs to doors 15, 16, 13 and 23 are finished and
paid for. Mr. Rohlfs only had one complaint regarding the work and
that is the company did not clean up after themselves.

New Business:
Proposal for Maintenance Shed Door Repair: Mr. Rohlfs passed out
a proposal from Trask Door System along with a picture of the shed
door. Mr. Rohlfs will talk to FS to see if they want the tank
sitting outside the airport maintenance shed. A motion was made by
Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Blankenship, to repair the maintenance
shed doors at a cost $2,200. Motion passed.
Shrub Trimming/Removal: The committee talked about trimming
shrubs by the airport sign. Mr. Rohlfs will check with Flipper’s to
see if his company can trim the shrubs at the airport.
Sponsorship to be reinstated- Cara Barr: Mr. Ruben explained
the county board did a budget adjustment earlier in the year.
The county budgeted $5,675 for the Balloon Fest.
The county thought there was going to be a short fall with the
CEDS funding and decided to take away $3,000 and apply the money to
the General Funds to increase payment for CEDS.
[to top of second column] |

Mr. Rohlfs asked Ms. Barr if the Chamber would like the
County to restore funding up to $5,000, or pay them an
additional $5,000 on top of the $2,675.
Mr. Ruben reported The City of Lincoln will now be supporting
A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Farmer, to amend
the budget by moving $3,000 from 110-00-59014 to 110-00-59015,
contingent on the approval of the city to fund CEDS. Show of hand
vote was taken, 2 yes, 3 no, 1 abstain. Motion fails. Ms. Barr asked
if there was still funding in the amount of $2,675. Mr. Rohlfs
confirmed that funding still remained. Airport Report: Mr.
Rohlfs and Mr. Aukamp reported they have talked about a new sign for
the airport. Mr. Aukamp will look into a price for the new sign. Mr.
Rohlfs reported 252.7 gallons of fuel were sold in May. Mr. Rohlfs
reported Logan County is the highest on gas. The committee talked
about lowering the price on the gas but without losing any money.
Nothing further to report.
HIF Report: Nothing to report.
Farm Report: Mr. Rohlfs talked to Dennis Ramlow regarding the
title work, but he has not been able to do the work yet. He will get
the information to Mr. Rohlfs very soon. Nothing further to report.
Budget Review: No concerns at this time.
A motion was made by Mr. Schaffenacker, seconded by Mr. Aylesworth,
to approve the bills as presented for payment. Motion passed.
Public Comments: Mr. Aukamp reported he uses the shed at the Airport
and the roof is lifting. Mr. Aukamp reported Mr. Rohlfs might want
to get someone to look at that.
A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Farmer to adjourn.
Motion passed. Meeting ended at 7:51 pm.
[Copied from Logan County website]