Present: Jan Schumacher; Andy Anderson; Kevin Bateman; Dave
Blankenship; Scott Schaffenacker; Dave Hepler
Guest: Pat O’Neill, Alison Rumler-Gomez Staff: Pam Meagher
Mrs. Schumacher called the meeting to order at 6:44pm.
A motion was made by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Bateman, to
approve the minutes from the June 9, 2015 meeting as printed. Motion
Old Business:
Public Transportation: Last month: moving forward with some
marketing initiatives. Mrs. Schumacher and Mrs. Meagher attended
Community Action’s board meeting and learned that C.A. may need to
suspend the program.
Mrs. Rumler-Gomez explained that the budget impasse with the State
has become a serious problem for the program because the 5311 Grant
goes through a state pass through office, and if that office is not
funded, then the funding does not get filtered through. Community
Action is still operating 5 days a week at their own risk; the 5311
grant has been appropriated but with no guarantee that it will
retroactively pay. Mrs. Rumler-Gomez feels like the best route is to
revisit and rework the original operating agreement to include a
suspension for funding shortages, or to say that August 1 suspends
the program.
 Proposed changes to the agreement: a.
C.A. does not need to run more than 60 days without a guarantee so
as not to accumulate & be responsible for more than 60 days’ worth
of costs.
b. Community Action or Logan County Board must provide a 30 day
notice prior to suspension of services.
c. #7 of proposed agreement should be changed to say CAPCIL’s
inability to pay…
d. Change reimbursement dates to November 30-February 28 etc. A
motion to approve the new agreement pending State’s Attorney
approval made by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Hepler. Motion
Events at Airport: Nothing to report.
Website: Nothing to report.
North Greens Golf Course: We have the information and we’ll
study it for next month.
New Business
Scholarship Criteria: Relight commits $400,000 a year to
Heartland Community College and Lincoln Land Community College; this
amount could be 100 full scholarships per year for 25 years.
Heartland may even have money left over to build a new building. IRS
rules state that 1 school would handle all the funds and then
distribute it out accordingly, but we need to set the criteria.
[to top of second column] |

Proposed criteria:
- Logan County Resident at least 2 years prior to application
- Graduate of area high school or equivalent program
- Shows secondary academic competency sufficient to succeed in
- Financial need demonstrated
- No significant criminal record
- Award should be 2 semester blocks
- Graduates of the Lincoln’s Challenge Academy who remain
- Recipient selection shall be blinded
- Unpaid Community Service – 25% of 50 hours in 4 years of
high school
- Recipients remain Logan County residents during the time of
- Preference given to grade point average 2.5 or above (or
equivalent results)
- Preference given to good attendance
m. Preference given to conventional graduates versus alternative
Referendum for Economic Development: Do we want to put
a referendum for Economic Development on the ballot? If we put a
referendum on the ballot and it passes, then it would create a
consistent revenue source for economic development purposes. It
would be an additional tax, but it would at least give public
authority. March Primary would be the optimum time. The money
could possibly be used for funding a partnership or an
industrial park. May need to make a case for support: what is
the need, how funds would be delegated, etc. An invitation to
Bill Thomas should be extended for August’s meeting to give a
report of current results.
Public Comments: Pat O’Neill – Numerous constituents
received threats about coming forward in favor of the Wind Farm.
Can the Board consider a new policy/procedure regarding the way
we receive comments?

A motion was made by Mr. Bateman, seconded by Mr. Schaffenacker,
to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting ended at 8:17 pm.
[Copied from Logan County website] |