The first item on the agenda was a year-end review report from
Maggie McMurtrey of the Logan County Tourism Bureau. McMurtrey
presented the year-end financial records for the tourism bureau and
fielded questions from the council. She also spent time explaining
the Tourism Bureau’s three-year cycle auditing process and updated
the council on the progress of the currently ongoing audit.
In reviewing the financial records, Todd Mourning asked for
information concerning an expense for professional sports
advertising. McMurtrey explained that the bureau had taken an ad
with the Chicago Bulls. The half-page ad had been placed in the
Bulls magazine that was distributed at the games as well as visitors
bureaus throughout the area. In addition, the Bureau had been given
Bulls tickets, which in turn were auctioned off as a fundraiser for
the restoration of the Tropics sign. Rick Hoefle asked how much the
tickets had sold for, and McMurtrey said $250.00
Tracy Welch asked about an expenditure for software called “Chamber
Master.” McMurtrey said that was a data tracking program used by the
Lincoln/Logan County Chamber of Commerce. The program collects and
stores data about chamber memberships. She said that the Tourism
Bureau uses the data as a resource when recruiting volunteers or
soliciting other services or monetary donations for tourist
 Welch also noted there was a gap in cash fund between the two
previous years amounting to about $45,000. He asked for an
explanation. McMurtrey said the Bureau had carryover funds of
$45,000. The decision had been made to transfer the funds into a
Money Market account so that it would gain interest. She said the
account was set up so that the dollars are still immediately
accessible when needed, but in the meantime it is earning at a rate
just over one-percent.
Welch also noted, that annually only about 25 percent of the budget
is expended on sub-grants and advertising with the rest being
operating costs. He wondered if the Bureau could do something to
reduce overhead and increase dollars invested in the promotion of
Lincoln and Logan County.
Tourism Council chairman Sal Pollice was also in attendance and
asked if Welch and the council had any suggestions how that might be
done. Welch said he had no idea, and that even if the Bureau did
streamline some, it probably wouldn’t be all that significant an
amount. McMurtrey said the Bureau could certainly look for ways to
cut costs. However, she also noted that because she is sharing space
and staff with the Logan County Alliance and Chamber, that she is
operating a lot more efficiently than if she had to rent space and
pay staff on her own.
Welch’s last question was about the profit and loss in the current
year. He said it appeared that in 2016 the Bureau is operating at a
deficit. He wondered if that was the case.
McMurtrey said the answer was “yes and no.” She said this was a poor
time of year for hotel/motel tax revenues in general. She noted that
it does appear there is a deficit now, but when the tax payments
increase this summer during the travel season it will all work out.
She also noted that the February hotel/motel tax was much higher
this year than last year, which was a surprise. In addition,
McMurtrey said that the Bureau, generally speaking, gets its funds
the month after the obligation occurs, so February payments came in
March, and so on. Mourning asked if the Bureau had a way of
tracking tourist stays in Lincoln. McMurtrey said that was a very
difficult and ongoing issue. The Bureau wants to be able to track
this, but it is hard to determine what brings people to Lincoln. She
said she had conversations with management at the Hampton Inn, and
the best suggestion they had was to follow the money.
 She explained that the number of rooms in a motel doesn't change.
So, the motel revenues are increasing when the cost of the room
increases. The cost of the room increases when the demand increases.
She said this was a common practice in the motel industry to raise
the price of a room when rooms are in greater demand. She said the
Hampton manager had said it was tough for him to say what brings
people to his motel because his motel is almost always fully booked.
Jonie Tibbs asked again about the interest bearing account and
wondered if one-percent was a good rate. Pollice, who is in the
finance business, said that indeed it was. He said the rate, he
thought was about 1.3 percent and that is much higher than a lot of
available options.
[to top of second column] |

Tibbs also commented that she liked the financial report for the end of the
year, but wished she could have seen this same document during the quarterly
reports. She later went on to say she wanted to see this type of financial
detail monthly.
McMurtrey said that the term of the current financial agreement between the city
and Tourism is coming to an end. She said the new agreement could specify that
the council wants detailed financials monthly, and she would be happy to come
before the council with those reports.
Rick Hoefle asked about an entry in the report indicating payment to the LCA for
the CEO. McMurtrey explained that it was a year to date figure and that the
entry was from January when Andi Hake was still employed with the LCA.
Todd Morning asked about McMurtrey’s work schedule what was she doing and what
was coming up.
McMurtrey said she is ramping up for the summer season. She explained that while
the festival season is a busy time for everyone, her busy time starts earlier
because of the work she is doing to help get ready for the season.
She said in addition to sub-grant requests, she is working on the state grant
paperwork and is working to expand her advertising to other portions of the
state. She said the focus was to start close to home and work outward, as had
been prescribed through the marketing playbook designed by DCC Marketing.
She also noted that she will represent the Bureau at each of the events they
provide grants to, such as at the fair, downtown festivals, and more, for the
purpose of promoting Logan County tourist attractions and other upcoming events.
McMurtrey had reported that there are new billboards up on Interstate 55 north
and south of Lincoln. Welch asked if she had any measure of how those billboards
are perceived. He suggested that she do a focus group that does not include
Logan County residents, to see what impression the billboards leave when viewed.
Michelle Bauer suggested perhaps a survey of some sort could be designed and
linked to various Facebook pages related to local tourism, such as the Pigs and
Swigs page.

Welch also asked about tracking visitors to local sights, suggesting the Bureau
could implement a QR code program at each site. He said it could be useful in
tracking the number of people who stop for example at the covered wagon. At the
same time, the QR application could lead visitors from one site to the next. So,
the QR at the wagon could suggest that visitors go to Postville Courthouse and
the Mill on Route 66.
McMurtrey said it was worth looking into, and Welch said he “knows someone” who
could help with that. Welch said he would work toward getting that person to
contact McMurtrey.
In the end, McMurtrey reminded the council that at her next visit, she will be
asking for a renewal of the city’s funding agreement with Tourism. She said that
now was the time to make changes to that agreement. She asked that the city
officials contact her with suggestions or changes they would like to see made in
the new agreement.
McMurtrey ended saying she was always at their disposal; she is available to
answer questions at any time either in person in her office or via phone or
email. She also told the council that the financial records of the Bureau are
open to them at any time. While McMurtrey does not do the bookkeeping
personally, she said if the aldermen wish to review the finances at any time
they can come to the office, and she and the bookkeeper will assist them in
whatever way needed.
[Nila Smith]