The first nine days of the month were above average, followed
by four days below average, then three days above average. The
second half of January started out much below average, but
steadily warmed, and by the month’s end the temperature was 20
degrees above average. “While the magnitude of the swings was
impressive, the pattern of warm and cold stretches is typical of
winter in Illinois and represents the passage of warm and cold
fronts across the region,” Angel said. “Because it may take a
day or more for a system to pass through Illinois, the dates and
size of the temperature departures at a particular station may
not correspond to the statewide numbers, especially in far
southern Illinois.”
The statewide average precipitation (rain plus water content of
snow) was 0.85 inches, or 1.22 inches below average.
Precipitation was uniformly light across Illinois, just under 1
inch in most places.
The January snowfall ranged from 2 to 5 inches in most
locations. Western Illinois saw 5 to 7.5 inches. However, most
of Illinois received below-average snowfall.
[Lisa A. Sheppard, Illinois State
Water Survey]