One of the items discussed was whether to approve an Illinois
Department of Transportation Letter of Understanding to revise a
detour route towards Cornland while repairs are made at a crossing
near the Elkhart mine.
Road and Bridge updates
Dave Blankenship said the board needs to approve a Letter of
Understanding from IDOT to establish a revised detour route while
the railroad crossing at 600 Street near the Elkhart Coal Mine is
replaced. The detour route has been revised to direct the Coal Mine
truck traffic southward and eastward toward Cornland.
Bret Aukamp said he met Wednesday with people from IDOT and members
of the Viper Mine to discuss a couple of options for rerouting
traffic. The first option discussed was to revise the design to
replace the crossing using "stage construction" that will allow the
traffic to still go through the crossing. Aukamp said timeliness is
an issue with that option.
 Aukamp said one option discussed was revising the route to take coal
mine traffic eastward on 600 Street, south on 800 Avenue, then
following Highway 19 down to Cornland. At that point the traffic
would go down to Route 54 to travel on to Springfield. He said the
original option of having traffic go through the Village of Elkhart
was determined not to be a favored option.
Aukamp said he is asking the board for approval of a detour route
that is about seven miles, with five of the miles being on county
highways. It would only apply if IDOT selects the detour route as a
viable option. He said if IDOT decides they are going to close the
crossing, the plan would not be needed.
Aukamp said the board needs to act on the issue now because some
work may begin in March. If that happens, he needs a vote from the
County Board in order to move forward with the plan for the detour
Aukamp said it is important because he expects with many heavily
loaded coal trucks driving on these roads, some damage is to be
expected. He said IDOT was "gracious enough after some prodding to
provide a letter of understanding that would provide compensation
for any repairs to these detour routes." The County would not have
to pay for any damages that may occur.
Aukamp said if the board were to approve the route and the letter of
understanding, "the county will get compensation for the repairs"
that may be needed to to the roads. He said, "If we take no action,
my fear is that there will not be a designated detour route within
the plans, and at that point, these legally loaded trucks may choose
whatever route they want to haul their goods from the Coal Mine to
where ever they go." Aukamp said if they do that, the trucks would
be using various county roads, township roads, and municipal roads,
and the county would not have a mechanism for making repairs.
Board member Rick Aylesworth asked if there was anything that would
keep trucks from going from the Elkhart Blacktop to Primm Road to
Lake Fork since weight limits would not apply during the spring.
[to top of second column] |

Aukamp said the construction time frame would be from about June
until the middle of August, so it is possible that trucks could use
that route. He said if they use that route, he would be watching for
any Coal trucks coming down between Highway 10 and Lake Fork because
he does not want them driving on those roads unless there is backing
from IDOT for repairs needed. The truck drivers may need to be
reminded to stay on the detour routes.
Bateman asked if anyone figured out a route north going from the
mine to Broadwell and then Interstate 55.
Aukamp said they did not really look at that option because many of
the Coal trucks are headed to Springfield, so he wants to keep them
heading south as much as possible. The roads north toward Broadwell
also have some tight turns that would not hold up well. Aukamp said
the county highways will hold up better since there is more rock
base under them.
Ruben asked if the trucks could be legally kept from going
through the Village of Elkhart.
Aukamp said he wants to try to contain the trucks on the detour
routes, but if the trucks stray from the route, they cannot legally
be stopped without the mechanism of chasing them for causing damage
on the road. Aukamp said he has the cooperation of the Coal Mine for
this route.
Hepler asked if IDOT officials were comfortable with the route.
Aukamp said IDOT is looking at the detour route along with the
option of stage construction. If IDOT decides on the detour route,
action is needed this month.
The motion was made to accept the route to Cornland within the
letter of understanding.
Lyle Fout, Elkhart Village President, thanked the board for working
to reroute traffic around Elkhart.
 ----- The board will vote on the
motions from Airport Committee and Road and Bridge Committee as well
as motions to be brought forward by the Building and Ground
Committee, Liquor Committee, Planning and Zoning Committee, and
Finance Committee at their Regular Board meeting on Tuesday,
February 16.
[Angela Reiners] |