ALMH Laboratory manager, Lori England said, “We are proud to
offer free cholesterol and blood sugar screenings at this year’s
Wellness Expo event.” For the most accurate results, individuals
should fast for 8-10 hours prior to the test.
The screenings will be done on-site with results within 10 minutes.
The one-prick finger blood test will test for a lipid profile (HDL,
LDL, and triglycerides) and test for blood sugar at the same time.
This is the same machine we will be using at The ALMH Market. For
consistency purposes using the same machine is important.
 List of FREE screenings at the 2016 Wellness Expo
Cholesterol, Hemoglobin, Blood Pressure, Pulse Oximeter, Oral
Cancer, Colon Cancer, Body Mass Index, Well Water. |