Present: Gene Rohlfs, Rick Aylesworth, David Blankenship, Bob
Farmer, Dave Hepler, Chuck Ruben Absent:
Guests: Curt Fox
Mr. Rohlfs called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
A motion was made by Mr. Aylesworth, seconded by Mr. Hepler, to
approve the minutes from the October 5, 2015 meeting as printed.
Motion passed.
Old Business:
Pavement Marking and Maintenance (AAA-4438) – There will be a
letting on January 15, 2016. Mr. Waller presented several scenarios,
including the possibility of employing someone to apply a temporary
coat until the actual rehab work is completed; IDOT rejected the
idea due to re-marking some of the marks that would not fit the new

Fuel Farm (AAA 4317) – The area being considered for the new
Fuel Farm location is the turn area from the taxiway heading South.
This area would relieve any hose issues of being too close to the
building and would be a short turn for the aircraft to head back
out. It could stay on schedule for the Runway Rehab Project in 2017.
Radio Controlled Aircraft Event – Nothing new to report. Mr.
Warren Smith is uncomfortable with the program. Mr. Blankenship
discussed the problem with the layout of the airport. Mr. Rohlfs
discussed the problem with the mile specifications. Other possible
locations were discussed.
New Business: None.
Airport Report: The TIPS meeting was October 19th. 481
gallons of fuel sold. The airport is now below the 3,000 gallon mark
and could hold 6,000; Mr. Rohlfs will see if Mr. Holzworth could
take 1,000 and get some low price fuel in.
[to top of second column] |

HIF Report: New signage for the Hangar came in but has
not been installed yet. One sign was to name the museum after
Jack Burk.
Farm Report: Mr. Rohlfs is waiting for the tile work
bids. Mr. Rohlfs reported that he gave the State’s Attorney the
necessary information regarding Mr. Ramlow’s request to roll
back the Farm rent price.
Budget Review: Nothing to report.
A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded by Mr. Farmer, to
approve the bills as presented for payment. Motion passed.
Public Comments: An airport contour map was presented to
the committee.
A motion was made by Mr. Aylesworth, seconded by Mr.
Blankenship, to adjourn. Motion passed. Meeting ended at 7:27
[Copied from Logan County website]