Present: Kevin Bateman; Bob Farmer; Gene Rohlfs; Chuck Ruben; Jan
Absent: Dave Hepler; Dennis Reves
Mr. Bateman called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
A motion was made by Mr. Farmer, seconded by Mrs. Schumacher, to
approve the minutes from the October 6, 2015 meeting. Motion passed.
Old Business:
Salary Reimbursement and Office Renovation – Kim Turner’s Office:
Nothing to report.
Electricity work in band shelter at Latham Park: Nothing to
Animal Control Roof: Nothing to report.
LC Board office desk $1,099: Mr. Ruben reported that the
funds cannot be used in the current FY; he instructed Mrs. Barr to
verify that the price offer ($1,099) will still be valid on December

Mr. Bateman agreed, that upon receiving a price guarantee, for
Mrs. Barr to order and pay on December 1st (FY16).
New Business:
Snow Removal Bids: A motion was made by Mr. Ruben, seconded
by Mr. Rohlfs, to make snow removal bids 2-year bids. Motion passed.
Independent Contractor Agreement: Mr. Bateman would like to
hire a full-time independent contractor that can repair all county
buildings and grounds; he would like to set the pay range at
$45-$50,000 a year so the employee can afford his own insurance.
Mr. Ruben expressed that his interpretation of the contract is that
the employee would already be an independent contractor that would
be paid per job, with each job a different price, with a capped
amount of $40,000 in a year.
Mr. Bateman expressed concern about scheduling conflicts and job
timelines when trying to hire a contractor for individual jobs as
Mr. Ruben discussed.
Mr. Ruben discussed Prevailing Wage complications and FY 16
Budget restrictions including that the $40,000 encompasses both
salary and insurance.
Mr. Rohlfs discussed making a list of bigger projects needed and
offering him an hourly wage to complete the list instead of going a
full year at a time.
Mr. Ruben agreed it would be easier to hire a unionized full-time
independent contractor that would accept a starting salary.
Mr. Bateman reported that Sheriff Nichols has no desire to
oversee a contractor; the Sheriff created the independent contractor
agreement. Mr. Bateman expressed the intention of the Sheriff’s
contract was to have the County hire the person, but not as a County
[to top of second column] |

Mr. Rohlfs asked what constituted a work year for the
contractor; Mr. Bateman stated it would be 40 hours a week with
52 weeks, but the days may vary.
Mr. Rohlfs and Mr. Ruben discussed having the independent
contractor punch a time clock as a means to verify and maintain
the work year.
Mr. Ruben suggested setting the working hours at an hour before
or after the courthouse staff and set the wage as $20 an hour.
Mr. Ruben discussed blinding the resumes upon receipt.
Mr. Rohlfs and Mr. Ruben explained that the advertisement needs
to state dollar-per-hour pay instead of yearly total. Discussion
held regarding adjusting the work week to 4 days a week to fall
within the $40,000 price cap; Mr. Ruben and Mr. Rohlfs suggested
having the advertisement state $25 an hour, approximately 1,600
hours a year.
Mr. Bateman discussed advertising a specific schedule instead of
a yearly hour total.
Mr. Ruben suggested waiting for the interviews to discuss the
specific scheduling with candidates in an effort to leave room
for some work week variance negotiation.
Mrs. Schumacher expressed the need to edit the current
independent contractor agreement to reflect the new parameters.
Mr. Ruben stated it would need to go back before the State’s
Attorney. Committee agreed to discuss the topic again next month
after review of the budget.
Requests: None.
Report from Dennis Reves: None.

Budget Matters: Nothing to report.
Communications: Nothing to report.
A motion was made by Mrs. Schumacher, seconded by Mr. Rohlfs, to
approve the bills. Motion passed.
A motion was made by all to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed.
Meeting ended at 7:55 pm.
[Copied from Logan County website] |