Present: Jan Schumacher; Andy Anderson; Kevin Bateman; Dave
Blankenship; Scott Schaffenacker; Dave Hepler
Staff: Michelle Barr; Brenda Clark
Guest: Chuck Ruben; Bob Farmer; Angela Reiner; DiAnne Turner; Ellen
Burbage; Kathy Inman; Mike Booher
Mrs. Schumacher called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
A motion was made by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Bateman, to
approve the minutes from the October 13, 2015 meeting as printed.
Motion passed.
Old Business:
Public Transportation: Mrs. Turner presented CAPCIL’s
Deviated Fixed Route Pilot Program plan. The exact definition of
“Deviated Fixed Route” was discussed. It is a combination of fixed
stops in addition to the on-demand deviation. The allowable distance
of deviation will be set by the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC);
in study of other DFR, the majority of programs allow ˝ mile to ľ of
a mile on either side of the route.
 Mrs. Schumacher discussed using multiple vehicles so that on-demand
calls could be picked up by other vehicles, not the same vehicles on
the fixed route.
Mrs. Turner stated that although that’s not the definition of a
deviated fixed route, it would be possible to do it that way but the
other vehicles were planning to be used to cover the rest of Logan &
Mason County.
Mr. Bateman explained that his research about what constitutes the
deviation is not on-demand (day before) calls, but people that call
while the route is running that are very close to the fixed stopping
point but cannot make it.
Mrs. Turner expressed that action cannot be limited to just the
disabled or elderly because that is a “Para-Transit Route,” so the
DFR would have to included everyone; she stated that it just needs
to have a set guideline of how far off the deviation will go, but
not set it for whom it applies.
Mrs. Turner discussed the points of the implementation plan for
starting the DFR.
Mrs. Turner discussed the timeline for the program cycle. The
program start date goal is January 2016. Mrs. Turner discussed the
estimated expense & mileage for the DFR.
Mrs. Schumacher inquired as to why the mileage was so much higher
October-March than July-September and Mrs. Turner reported that it
was due to the projection being based off last year’s report and the
program was suspended in September. Mrs. Turner stated the program
is budgeted for 100,000 miles this year even though the total miles
for the whole program last year recorded 144,000 miles driven.
Mr. Bateman asked why they budgeted fewer miles this year.
Mrs. Turner did not know.
Mrs. Schumacher questioned how the service miles were calculated for
the DFR.
 Mrs. Turner explained CAPCIL did a test route run, which was roughly
10 miles for 2 hours, with 2 vehicles. The vehicles ran the route
simultaneously but at opposite directions so that the wait time
between stops is much shorter. The route would be run 4 times a day,
8 hours a day, 5 days a week.
Mr. Anderson inquired how running the route this often would stay
within the 20% range set by IDOT.
Mrs. Turner stated that the program currently runs 5 days a week and
that the DFR will decrease the on-demand calls due to some of the
current clients living close to the route.
Mr. Anderson inquired how success will be determined because he has
concerns that the State will shut down the program if the ridership
is too low.
Mrs. Schumacher stated that is an issue that the County Board will
work with the State on. Mrs. Turner discussed the need to branch out
with the rest of the County. Mrs. Schumacher agreed.
Mrs. Turner discussed a “feeder bus” that travels between in-city
and rural buses.
[to top of second column] |

The Committee agreed that the fixed stops will need to be
marked with signage; Mrs. Turner stated that the total budget is
for $633,000 so there should be plenty of money left over for
it; it’s how the money is allocated in the budget so that cost
can potentially be expended from the (approximate) $10,000
allocated for “advertising services.”
Mr. Bateman inquired about the ability of businesses placing ads
on the side of the bus, signs, or park benches.
Mrs. Turner said businesses can advertise on the side of the
vehicles and the program can generate advertising revenue from
those sponsorships. Mrs. Turner explained that the newer
vehicles owned by the County do not have any tags or signage on
them so that would have to be completed before they can be run.
Mrs. Schumacher discussed the advertising plan including a
Facebook page and a separate website than just CAPCIL’s.
Committee agreed that CAPCIL and Mrs. Turner have presented a
fantastic proposal.
Discussion regarding TAC appointments and meeting times held.
A motion was made by Mr. Blankenship, seconded by Mr. Hepler, to
accept CAPCIL’s Deviated Fixed Route Proposal. Motion passed.
Website: Nothing to report.
Referendum for Economic Development: Nothing to report.
Remove from agenda.
New Business:
Office Time-Keeping:
Staff hour tracking- Mr. Bateman discussed having a
traditional punch clock.
 Mrs. Schumacher discussed having time keeping software that
tracks Sick and Vacation time.
Mrs. Barr discussed the amount of ins- and –outs the staff would
record in a single day versus the limited space of a traditional
punch card.
Mr. Bateman and Mrs. Schumacher discussed the office staff not
being responsible for monitoring one another.
Mr. Anderson and Mr. Bateman discussed having 2 verifying
initials on each entry.
Mr. Bateman stated the necessity to always have at least one
person in the office at all times.
Mr. Anderson recommended going back to the original time-off
sheet and Mr. Ruben suggested having the sheet go through the
Executive committee every month.
Mrs. Clark inquired about using the absence request sheet for
advance time-off requests along with the regular time sheet.
Committee agreed to use the absence request sheet for advance
notice, the original time-off sheet for comp/sick time, and to
have all sheets submitted to the Executive committee every
Mrs. Meagher’s final hours payment voucher- The final
voucher included her 15 vacation days and work time. A motion
was made by Mr. Hepler, seconded by Mr. Anderson, to approve
Mrs. Meagher’s final payment voucher for payout of vacation and
work time. Motion passed.
Public Comments: None
A motion was made by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Hepler, to
adjourn the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting ended at 7:42 pm.
[Copied from Logan County website]