Among those presenting was Leslie Hoefle. Hoefle, a former
employee of the Lincoln/Logan County Chamber of Commerce, also
served briefly as interim director of the Abraham Lincoln Tourism
Bureau in 2013.
Hoefle delivered a 45 minute, 72-page PowerPoint presentation. In it
she voiced her concerns over the city's financial accountability
with the Logan County Alliance (LCA), the Logan County Tourism
Bureau, the Tax Increment Fund (TIF) District, the Downtown
Revitalization Plan, as well as a few other matters dating from 2010
through 2015.
Hoefle reviewed the agreement the city made with the LCA for
economic development. She said that the city from January to April
of 2015 paid the LCA $15,126, but the LCA only used $4,761.16. She
wondered why the city had not demanded a refund of the dollars not
For the total contract for 2015-16, Hoefle said the LCA only used
half of what they were paid, and again she wondered why the city
should not receive a refund.
 Hoefle said she was concerned that the actions of the city over the
last few years have been driven by the Downtown Revitalization
Steering Committee. She noted that the committee had recommended a
new branding initiative for the city, and other things such as the
creation of the downtown TIF District.
She feels that former Mayor Keith Snyder and former Alderman Tom
O’Donohue are still running the city through their involvement with
other organizations and committees. She noted in particular that
Snyder served on the Downtown Steering Committee, as did city
businessman David Lanterman. She went on to say that Lanterman had
benefited from the downtown TIF District that was recommended in the
revitalization document, which he helped develop as a member of that
Furthermore she said that work done by DCC Marketing for the Tourism
Bureau showed that theaters are the last reason why anyone would
come to the city.
Whereas, the (city's) history, which was listed as the third best
reason tourists visit a community, had been eliminated through the
new marketing plan. She noted that former creative logos using
images with Rt. 66 and Abraham Lincoln have been replaced with an
austere signage style designs with the words, “Destination Logan
County Illinois” or “Make Your MOMENT.”
Hoefle concluded that she felt the city needed to get its priorities
straight. She said that big, bright, and shiny is nice, but what
happens when the city cannot afford to do what is truly needed.
She noted warnings from City Treasurer Chuck Conzo that the city
needs to focus on funding the pension plans. She also said that
Conzo had warned the city not to get involved with a unified
organization as it would be difficult to assure financial
Hoefle said she felt the aldermen needed to take back control of
Lincoln from the Revitalization Committee. It should reestablish the
individual committees that were dissolved under the Snyder
administration, and should focus on the important issues of the
city, such as sewers.
At the end of her presentation Hoefle asked if there were any
questions or comments from the aldermen. There were none, and the
meeting moved on to the next speakers on the agenda.
[to top of second column] |

Tourism offers regular update
The next person to come before the council was Logan County Tourism
Bureau Director Maggie McMurtrey. Accompanying her was the 2016
chairman of the Tourism Council, Sal Pollice.
McMurtrey shared that she had supplied the aldermen with Google
Analytics reports that had been requested at her last appearance
before the council.
Pollice asked permission to address the council as well. In response
to the presentation from Hoefle, Pollice said that as a businessman
in Lincoln his career was built on understanding numbers. He said he
would not join himself to an organization that was not holding
itself accountable for its dollars.
He also mentioned that in the presentation, he heard a lot about
what is wrong, but he heard nothing suggesting any solution to the
perceived wrongs.
When the comments offered by Pollice became a conversation between
himself and Hoefle, Mayor Marty Neitzel stood up from her chair and
advised the two that the city council meeting was not the
appropriate setting for the two to hold a debate.
McMurtrey also noted that at each city council meeting she has ever
attended she has invited aldermen to her office, told them they were
welcome at any time, and she would speak with them about any issue
they might have. She punctuated her comment saying that no one has
ever come.

She also commented on the timeline referenced in the Hoefle
presentation, and said that she had started work for the Logan
County Tourism Bureau in April of last year. She could, and would
answer to anything that she has been involved in, but she will not
attempt to answer for the past.
On Tuesday Mayor Marty Neitzel issued the following statement:
"On Monday, March 7,
2016, a Lincoln citizen gave a power point presentation dealing with
concerns she had with the Logan County Alliance and Tourism. The
years involved in the presentation dealt with 2010 and 2015.
"I am saying this is in the past. There is nothing we can do. Let's
move forward with the plans we have for the city of Lincoln."
[Nila Smith] |