A dear friend and fellow minister, Victor
Thompson, recently shared these compelling words below a picture of
his beloved father, Carroll. Pictured was his father on bended knee
gazing intently into the eyes of a small child. The little girl,
looking him eye-to-eye, was eagerly sharing what she had learned
about her item in hand. This endearing photo displayed a tall,
slender adult, bending down to give his full and undivided attention
to the young child. The gesture pictured spoke more to me about this
man’s stature than his mere height.
Victor’s comments and picture of his father caused me to take a
fresh look at the word “stature.”
I remembered from scripture that Jesus “grew in wisdom, stature, and
in favor with God and man” - Luke 2:52. Many dictionaries today not
only include the first and obvious definition of stature as
referring to a person’s natural height in an upright position, but
go on to include: a degree of development attained, a level of
achievement and respect. Also, many synonyms like, “reputation,
distinction, influence, note, renown, acclaim, status, prominence;
and more speak to something beyond one’s height.

Approaching Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday we remind one
another that Jesus, our Savior, died, was buried, and rose again for
us on the third day, that we might live in and through Him. Notably,
in His life, He humbled Himself by taking on the form of a servant,
being born in the likeness of men. Then, being in human form He
humbled Himself by being obedient to the point of death, even the
death of the cross. Therefore, God highly exalted Him and gave Him a
name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus, every
knee should bow…and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!
Paul’s prayer and admonition was that this mind be in us as it was
in Christ Jesus.
[to top of second column] |

Likewise, man, God’s crown of creation on the sixth
day, made in the image of God, was formed in this way. He was to
reflect God’s glory and His virtues. He was not to walk about as
other beasts on all fours, but to stand erect, with the ability to
look into the face of the Almighty. Physically, He designed him to
stand and walk upright.
Similarly, anthropology, being the study of man, finds it’s root in
the Greek word “anthropos,” defined as “the upward-looking one.”
Spiritually, and I believe mentally, emotionally, and
in every other way, God has empowered us to stand and walk erect.
This is through humbly accepting and believing what Christ has done
for us.
By the way, these ingredients of faith, humility, and the fear of
the Lord bring riches, honor, and life. (Prov. 22:4)
Simply, these glorious promises empower each believer.
1 Those who have repented of sin and believed, know they are
crucified with Christ, yet they live.
2 Being buried with Him in baptism they are raised to walk in
newness of life (a resurrected life).
3 Therefore, each of us can overcome adversities, live dead
to sin, but alive to God, square our shoulders, meet daily
challenges, and live as those who have been raised from the dead.
Think about it, and wake up each day as if you’ve just been
And, may our stature be as tall as His life within!