November County briefs
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[December 01, 2017]
Tuesday, November 21, the Logan County Board held its regular
monthly meeting to vote on several motions and hear committee
Finance Committee motions and updates
The board approved several motions brought forward from the Finance
The board approved Finance Committee Chairman David Hepler's motion
to accept FY 2017-2018 Budget 11-1 with Kevin Bateman, Dave
Blankenship, Janet Dahmm, Emily Davenport, Bob Farmer, David Hepler,
Gloria Luster, Gene Rohlfs, Chuck Ruben, Scott Schaffenacker and
Annette Welch all voting yes; and Bob Sanders voting no.
Hepler's motion to approve CAPCIL close-out costs of $6,060.00
unanimously approved. Community Action's Executive Director Alison
Rumler-Gomez explained the costs at the Finance Committee meeting.
They are related to costs applied to grants and other requirements
like reporting and auditing.
The board unanimously approved Hepler's motion to approve Tax
Anticipation Warrants.
The board unanimously approved several amendments to the budget
which included:
A motion to increase the levy for Matching Tax Fund by $15,000
increasing the line item from $224,500 to $239,500.00 was
unanimously approved. Board Chairman Ruben said it helps make the
county eligible for funds.
A motion to decrease the levy for County Bridge Fund by $15,000
lowers the line item from $185,000 to $170,500 was unanimously
A motion to increase the revenue line item by $4,000,000 for
expenses in building construction, repair and maintenance. It was
recently learned that the courthouse dome is deteriorating to the
place of needing repairs. Ruben said the revenue and expense
amendments would only happen if the bond issue passes.
Hepler then made several motions to approve Logan County Tax Levies
for Fiscal Year December 1, 2017 to November 30, 2018.
The following are the levies and their amounts: General Fund,
$1,558,097; Bonds and Interest Fund (to be abated), $46,294.00;
Liability Insurance Fund, $170,000; Health Department Fund,
$363,460; IMRF Fund, $503,810; Highway Fund, $439,213; County Bridge
Fund, $170,500; Highways - Matching Tax Fund, $239,500; Ambulance
Service Fund, $276,220; Senior Citizens Tax Fund, $68,100;
Cooperative Extension Fund, $88,630; and Veteran’s Assistance
Commission Tax Fund, $140,300.

All votes for the levies were unanimous except for the one for the
$45,860.00 Tuberculosis Sanitarium Fund, with Kevin Bateman and Dave
Blankenship voting no and all others voting yes.
Transportation Committee motions and updates
The board approved several motions from the Transportation Committee
Chairman Kevin Bateman.
- A motion to approve an Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement
between the Sangamon Mass Transit District and Logan County for
vehicle maintenance.
- A motion to approve the Model Reasonable Modification Policy for
Transit Systems.
- A motion to approve a resolution authorizing execution and
amendment of the Downstate Operating Assistance Grant Agreement.
- A motion to approve a resolution Authorizing Execution and
Amendment of Federal 5311 Grant Agreement.
Bateman's motion to contract with SHOWBUS as operator to provide
public transportation services to Logan and Mason Counties passed
7-4-1 with
Bateman, Dahmm, Davenport, Farmer, Hepler, Luster and Welch all
voting yes. Blankenship, Rohlfs, Sanders and Schaffenacker voting
no; and Chuck Ruben abstaining.
CAPCIL will no longer be the pass-through-funded provider for the
county as of the end of the year.
SHOW BUS will provide the public transportation services CAPCIL has
been providing the past few years.
SHOW BUS Public Transportation has been providing public
transportation to several rural central Illinois communities since
Representatives from SHOW BUS spoke to the board in the fall of 2016
when CAPCIL faced suspending services due to the state budget.
Planning and Zoning Committee update
The board voted to table a motion to approve conditional use of
Baker and Sons Sawmill at Chestervale Elevator.
At both Thursday's Board Workshop and Tuesday's Regular Board
meetings, there was discussion on the issue with questions and
concerns raised. Board members had questions about logs stacked on
the current property, monitoring and containment for burning, and
possible fire hazards.
Neighbors who live close to the elevator spoke during the public
comment segment and expressed concerns about dangers, setbacks,
noise, and lack of details about the work. A neighbor who lives to
the south of the property said burning will be done 450 feet from
the edge of his house and said the operation would be substantially
detrimental to property values.

At the Board Workshop, Blinn Bates of Woods and Bates told the board
he is representing the Baker's neighbor and has submitted a formal
written protest to the application for the conditional use. His
client owns property east and west of the elevator and is concerned
about the sawmill use, a lack of details, no setback lines, and no
guarantees of safety.
At Tuesday's meeting, Mike Fleshman of Woods and Bates said the
sawmill is not a conforming use in an agricultural district.
Stephen and Teri Baker applied for the conditional use for the
sawmill and the Zoning Board of Appeals voted 5-1 to recommend
approval. Bakers said they have been building the sawmill and trying
to get it set up and establish what to do with logs. Nothing
commercially viable has started around the new operation.
Teri Baker said they are fully insured and plan to put in fire pumps
and a fire hydrant. Stephen Baker said he also owns a fire truck
that will be on site. They have applied for an EPA burn permit.
Board member Kevin Bateman said he would like more research on
After tabling the motion, the board voted to send the issue back to
the Planning and Zoning Committee
Insurance, Legislative, and Liquor Committee updates
The Board unanimously approved five motions from Insurance,
Legislative and Liquor Chairman Annette Welch.
- A motion to approve liquor license for the Korn Krib. Welsh said
the Korn Krib is being re-opened by new owners and they will need a
new liquor license to continue serving alcohol at the establishment.
- A motion to approve the CIRMA proposal of Insurance (Renewal).
Ruben said it is not necessary to go out for bids.
[to top of second column] |

- A motion to sign termination letters with prior policies being
replaced December 1, 2017.
- A motion to assign Nathan Whiteman as Agent of Record on Logan County’s AFLAC
- A Motion to reassign Nathan Whiteman, American Central Insurance Services, as
Agent of Record on Logan County’s Blue Cross Blue Shield and MetLife policies.
Safety Committee update
The board approved Safety Committee Chairman Bob Farmer's motion to approve a
truck bid for the Emergency Management Agency (EMA) in the amount of $14,479.
Board member Dave Blankenship said he would like to see the rotation of buying
new vehicles go from three years to five years.
Bateman asked about the model and years EMA has been buying and wondered if they
could use the vehicles longer.

EMA Director Dan Fulscher said the vehicles usually need to be replaced within
three years. The vehicles are used frequently and have about 70,000 miles on
them. Fulscher said keeping the vehicles longer could be more costly due to
maintenance needed.
Building and Grounds Motions
Bateman motioned to bring SmartWatt forward as the Performance Contractor, and
then amended the motion to be sent back to committee. He said there is not a
consensus on using SmartWatt, so the committee will discuss it further and bring
it back at a later time.
Last month, the board heard from several energy performance contractors who were
bidding on the work.
Bateman motioned to place a nativity scene on the courthouse lawn for the
Christmas season. It was removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion.
Before they voted, Bateman said he had a fear the county is opening themselves
up by allowing a nativity scene because they would have to come up with a reason
to approve or deny requests from other groups. He asked whether they wanted to
go down that path.
Board member Emily Davenport said the State Capitol Building has a nativity
scene and a menorah and anything else that might be requested.
Julie Zanoza, who made the request, is the chairman of the Nativity Scene
Committee in Springfield. Springfield has had a nativity scene at the Capitol
building for the past ten years. Zanoza said putting up the nativity scene is
both legal and constitutional. The nativity scene will not cost the county
anything because it will be donated and Zanoza said she does not foresee
anything happening during the month it will be up.
Zanoza said she understood the concerns, but the Illinois ACLU supports their
right to express their faith in the public square. She asked the board to accept
the proposal.
The motion to put up a nativity scene on the Logan County Courthouse lawn was
then unanimously approved.
Road and Bridge
Road and Bridge Committee Chairman Bob Farmer's motion to extend the current
Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Teamsters on a day-to-day basis until a
new agreement can be negotiated was unanimously approved.
Animal Control
The board unanimously approved the reappointment of Jane Whiteman as Animal
Control Warden and Dwayne Foley as Assistant Animal Control Warden.
Community Action
At Thursday's Board Workshop, Stephanie Savery from Community Action Partnership
of Central Illinois updated the board on the Strengthening Working Families
Initiative, which the board contributed funding to. The board's contribution is
being used to help provide transportation to classes, daycare services, uniforms
for new jobs, textbooks, classroom resources, and application fees.

Savery said thirty-three families have been served through the program and four
of those families served were over 125 percent of the Federal Poverty
Savery said 21 percent of participants are working on a GED, 15 percent have
obtained a GED, certification, or degree; 12 percent are working on
certifications, 12 percent are pursuing post-secondary programs, 33 percent have
obtained employment, and nine percent of students have increased their current
Three educational scholarships have also been provided for program participants.
Savery said the services they provide to families have helped them attain a more
self-sufficient lifestyle, restore their dignity, and changed their lives.
She thanked the board for their help in contributing towards the program.
Without the investment from the Logan County Board, a majority of the students
would not have been able to participate in the program.
Veteran Assistance Commission
On Tuesday, Joe Schaler of the Veteran's Assistance Commission updated the board
on what is going on in the commission, which was approved by a levy in March
2016. The organization was "built from scratch."
Schaler said VAC Superintendent Dan Benedict, who was hired in the summer of
2016, has put in many hours and is now a Certified Services Representative. In
the last three months, Benedict has filed claims that will bring $262,000 into
the county for veterans in the next twelve months. Schaler said that is tax-free
money coming back into the county.
Schaler said the VAC has signed agreements with CAPCIL for transportation, the
Rec Center for discounts to veterans, and the VA Vet Center to come to the area
twice a month so veterans do not have to travel to Peoria.
Schaler said on May 24th he met with Don Cavi and representatives from the SIU
Center for Family Medicine about setting up the clinic at the Logan County
Department of Public Health. There is not good dental coverage for veterans and
they continue to work on a dental assistance program. Schaler is hoping they can
get TriCare covered.
Schaler said they have worked hard to put it together to serve veterans and will
continue to do their very best. He asked the county to have their back and take
care of its veterans.
All 12 board members were present: Kevin Bateman, Dave Blankenship, Janet Dahmm,
Emily Davenport, Bob Farmer, David Hepler, Gloria Luster, Gene Rohlfs, Bob
Sanders, Scott Schaffenacker and Annette Welch, with Board Chairman Chuck Ruben
The next Regular Logan County Board meeting will be Tuesday, December 19, 2017
at 7 p.m. in the Logan County Courthouse.
[Angela Reiners]
