Atlanta Ag 4-H remember to serve others during the holiday season

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[December 29, 2017]     Send a link to a friend  Share

In December, the members of Atlanta AG 4-H took a shopping trip for a good cause. The kids went shopping for gifts for a local Angel Tree project. Gifts were purchased for children who might otherwise have a very lean Christmas with few gifts under the tree.

Pictures provided by Kim Carlock 

The Atlanta Ag 4H members enjoyed the opportunity to shop for items for kids of all ages, and especially enjoyed the opportunity to help others.

The Atlanta Ag 4-H Club would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


And they ask that everyone remember our soldiers abroad and our veterans here at home. Take time this holiday season to reach out and let those brave men and women know that we care about them and appreciate their service, both past and present.

Front row: (left to right) Winton Carlock, Demir Spaulding (guest), Kolton McGinnis, Kasey Salvator, Nina Salvator, Cavit Schempp, Molly Schempp and Cindy Schempp (Leader). Back row: Kim Carlock (Leader), Joessa McGinnis, Mary Carlock, Joshua Reed, Charlotte Toohill and Ethan Bertram


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