Dr. Phillip Resnick will lead the workshop, titled "Risk
Assessment of Violence: Predicting Violent Behavior – Can It Be
Done?" The conference will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday,
March 10, at the Memorial Center for Learning and Innovation, 228 W.
Miller Street, Springfield.
Resnick is the director of forensic psychiatry at Case School of
Medicine in Cleveland and is past president of the American Academy
of Psychiatry and the Law. He has consulted on or provided expert
testimony on a number of high-profile criminal cases, including
Jeffrey Dahmer, Susan Smith, Timothy McVeigh, Andrea Yates, Scott
Peterson, Casey Anthony, Theodore Kaczynski (the Unabomber) and
James Holmes (Colorado theater shooter).
Registration fee applies with discounts if enrolled by February
23rd. Online registration and more information are available at
Continuing education units will be provided for social workers,
professional counselors, educators, and nurses.
[MHS Public Relations] |
