Hilltopper Wind Farm project
changes reviewed by Regional Planning Commission
Public Hearing tonight in Mount Pulaski
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[May 04, 2017]
- On Wednesday, May 3, 2017, the Logan County Regional
Planning Commission heard from representatives of Swift Current
Energy, who asked for approval of amendments to the Hilltopper Wind
Farm project.
Guests at the meeting were Matt Birchby and William Kelsey,
representatives of Swift Current Energy; and Kyle Barry, attorney
for the project.
Regional Planning Commission members present were Chairman Bill
Graff, Vice Chairman Blair Hoerbert, Chuck Ruben, Jim Cole, Jeff
Hoinacki, Gerald Lolling, Scott Schaffenacker, Dave Schonauer, Jim
Vipond and Becky Werth. Logan County Zoning Officer Will D'Andrea
and County Highway Engineer Bret Aukamp were also present.
Attorney Kyle Barry shared the background on the wind farm project.
He said, "You may recall in July 2015, the county board voted to
award a permit for what was then known as the Meridian project. That
permit was for 81 wind turbines."
Barry said they have two applications that need approval. He said,
"The first application is an application seeking to amend the
existing permit." Barry said the amendment reduces the number of
turbines from 81 to 74, moves some of the turbine locations around,
and moves turbines away from Mount Pulaski. In the original permit,
the site location was one mile from Mount Pulaski. On the amended
permit, it is two miles from Mount Pulaski.
Barry said, "The second application is to add new parcels to the
existing project to move farther away from town." He said, "As part
of the application, we are also seeking a variance for a single
parcel relating to a noise issue."
Barry said, "The end result will be fewer turbines and a better
layout for the community."
Birchby shared the history of Swift Current Energy, which was
founded in summer 2016 and is headquartered in Boston,
Birchby said, in December 2016, Swift Current Energy acquired the
Meridien Wind Farm from Relight, an Italian based developer, and
"since that time, I have been very busy working to improve the

A handout outlined some of the changes. Swift Current Energy renamed
the project "Hilltopper Wind" which is "part of a broader effort to
better integrate the project into the community."
Birchby said his company is looking to improve the project by taking
the community into account. He said the new project footprint
improves on the layout, so "not only does the wind farm perform
better, but it does it with less of an impact to the community."
Birchby said the new plan moves the project a mile south of the
original layout, which will provide an "increased setback" with a
"two-mile buffer" around the city of Mount Pulaski. He said, "there
was some concern in terms of the adverse impact of the project" in
the original layout.
Birchby said the reduced footprint allows for bigger setbacks of
around 1900 feet or more from most homes. It also reduces the number
of turbines, which will help with noise compliance. He said, "in
terms of the transmission line, we reduced it by close to two
Birchby said they recognize that "a priority in the community is
farming" and have taken that into account.
Barry said he believes the applications comply with Logan County's
zoning ordinances that "govern conditional uses" and wind farms. He
said, "We respectfully ask for a positive vote on both applications
to recommend [them] to the Zoning Board of Appeals."
Regional Planning Commission chairman Bill Graff said the commission
needs to consider how the project fits in with the county's overall
Commission member Scott Schaffenacker asked about plans the
commission has.

Graff said, the commission has "a comprehensive plan" that talks
about developing the county and plans for bringing in more tax
revenue for the county.
Zoning officer Will D'Andrea said in 2005, wind farms were
identified as appropriate conditional uses in agricultural
[to top of second column] |

Commission member Becky Werth said, "My general thought is, we
approved [the original project] two years ago and if anything, it has been
tweaked so it fits even better. I don't see any red flags that we shouldn't
approve it."
Commission member Jim Vipond said two years ago, one of the biggest concerns was
the amount of land and the amendment involves less land. He pointed out that the
commission unanimously approved the project because it "fit into the concept of
planning for the county."
Vipond said drainage tiles were another concern a couple years
Kelsey, who works with Swift Current Energy, said they realize the community is
agriculturally based. He said, "Our job as a developer is to try to develop a
project that really fits in with the farming activities as best possible."

Kelsey said, "One of the things you have to deal with is drainage
tiles." He said, "We are fully aware that we are going to break tile when we are
installing the project," but "will work with landowners to identify where the
tiles are" so it does not happen often.
Kelsey said, we will be "proactive" by "communicating with the landowners" and
working with them to repair any damages to tile. Swift Current Energy has done
that in other communities they have worked with.
Barry said there is a new state law requiring new wind projects to enter into an
Agricultural Impact Mitigation Agreement with the Illinois Department of
Agriculture." This law has provisions for addressing drainage tiles and making
sure they are repaired.
Commission member Blair Hoerbert asked about the closest setback (distance from
structures, roads, etc.).
Birchby said there is 1,000 feet from one residence and they will ask for a
variance for that setback. He said that landowner asked for a second turbine.
Birchby said the next closest one is "around 1,300 feet."
Logan County Board chairman and commission member Chuck Ruben asked how deep the
collection lines are and whether they are trenched. Ruben said "it is easier to
find broken tile lines" when it is trenched.
Kelsey said the lines are five feet deep and trenched. He said cable spacing is
New commission member Jim Cole asked about the size of the cables.
Kelsey said they vary from 500 to 750 KC millimeters all the way up to 1,000 KC
millimeters. They will have a survey crew with a GPS for the path and the GPS
will help show where they break tile.
Cole said he knew footage above pipelines has changed since 2009 and thought it
needed "five feet of dirt above it."

Kelsey said less than five feet seems "irresponsible."
Ruben asked whether they would have JULIE locates or wind farm locates. He said
the Railsplitter Wind Farm is not a JULIE locate, and you have to "go to the
wind farm to locate their collection lines."
Kelsey said there is now more of a Geographical Information System, but he would
have to check the protocol.
Logan County Highway Engineer Bret Aukamp said "a wind farm developer will need
to be a member of JULIE" and they may need to contact JULIE for right of ways.
After questions were answered, commission member Becky Werth motioned that the
commission recommend approval of the applications.
Graff said they needed to vote on each one separately.
The commission unanimously approved the amendments to conditional use of an
agricultural district for the wind farm.
A public hearing will be held tonight, Thursday, May 4 at 7:30 pm at Mount
Pulaski Christian Church with the Zoning Board of Appeals voting whether to
approve the amendments to the existing permit.
[Angela Reiners] |