National Day of Prayer observed at Logan County Courthouse


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[May 08, 2017]     Send a link to a friend  Share

On Thursday, during the noon hour, about 40 people gathered in the rotunda of the Logan County Courthouse to observe the National Day of Prayer. In Logan County, this observance has taken place annually for more than 65 years. It is an opportunity for people of all denominations to come together, led by a number of area pastors, and pray for the future of our community, our local, state, and federal government and their leaders, as well as offer up prayers for our youth and families. This year the theme of National Day of Prayer was “For Your Great Name’s Sake! Hear us…Forgive us…Heal us!” The hour-long event included prayer and song including recital of the Lord's Prayer in unison and the singing of God Bless America.

Pictures by Karen Hargis






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