D.A.R.E. helps kids get ready for Mothers Day

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[May 18, 2017]     Send a link to a friend  Share

On Saturday some kids gave-up their morning to paint a masterpiece for their moms as a Mother's Day gift. D.A.R.E. hosted a "paint" event for kids third through sixth grades.  Twenty-five boys and girls from District 27, Carol Catholic and West Lincoln Broadwell schools met in the WLB cafeteria.

The painting was led by WLB's art teacher, Mrs. Cindy Keller. Mrs. Keller explained that DARE won the auction item at a recent school fundraiser that offered the paint class for 25. A PTO parent found the design that was fitting for the occasion and it all came together nicely.

Lincoln Police Department's fifteen-year D.A.R.E. officer, Christy Fruge, facilitated the event. Officer Fruge goes into the schools all year to teach kids how to get along with others and to live a healthy substance-free life-style.

Police Chief Paul Adams and several other officers also attended the event on Saturday morning and admired the students art work, which all turned out delightful.

Still to come in June will be the annual Nathan Turner Memorial Fishing Tournament. The whole family oriented activity is held at the Hickory Lane Campground in rural Atlanta. It is another event to show how much fun life can be while living substance-free.

[Jan Youngquist]


Police Chief Paul Adams admires a nearly completed work of art.

D.A.R.E. Officer Christy Fruge enjoys a moment with the students as they are nearly all done. The students really concentrated while they were working and were quite pleased with their results.

Leading the class was Mrs. Cindy Keller. She's the tall one in the green shirt in the back row.


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