Atlanta Ag 4-H Club enjoys learning new things while helping its community

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[May 24, 2017]     Send a link to a friend  Share

The Atlanta Ag 4-H  Club has been very busy recently.  The club participated in community service projects as well as having some good old fashioned fun.  The group also worked on various 4-H learning projects.

Pictures by Kim Carlock

Atlanta Ag 4-H Members volunteered at the Atlanta Easter Egg Hunt. “Eggcellent” event and fun for all!

Atlanta Ag 4-Hers that helped are: Cavit Schempp, Joessa McGinnis, Molly Schempp, Angelina McGinnis and Atlanta Park Board Members Doug Thompson and Amy Naughton.


Molly Schempp helping an egg hunter!

The Atlanta Ag 4-H Club made Rescue Bears for children to be given during rescue calls. (ALSO could be a 4-H project at the fair!)

Nic Olson, Cindy Schempp (Leader) and Kolton McGinnis

(Front) Molly Schempp, Nic Olson, Mary Carlock, Nina Salvator, and Jamie Carlock.
(Back) Darin Schempp, Kolton McGinnis, Joessa McGinnis, Paige Finchum, and Cavit Schempp.

Club members did a Hand Plant Project, tracing their hands on paper and adding it in a planting pan with grass seed and watched it grow. Pretty neat to see the hand shape “grow”! We reviewed Animal Projects and caring for your animals. Atlanta Ag 4-Hers are working hard on all of their projects!

Cavit Schempp, Nina Salvator and Rylie Gibson getting the planting pan ready.

Jamie Carlock’s hand is growing through.


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