Veteran's Day

Left to right are recipient Wayne Sheley, Brown, Bill Gossett and Orville Schaffer.


Local veterans Bill Gossett, Orville Schaffer and Wayne Sheley awarded honorary black belts

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[November 15, 2017]   LINCOLN - On Sunday, three area veterans were recipients of Honorary Black Belts during the morning services at Prairieland Christian Church in Hartsburg.

Master Instructor of Lincoln Tae Kwon Do, Scott Brown, did the honors of bestowing Bill Gossett, Orville Schaffer and Wayne Sheley with black belts with their names embedded, and large plaques designated as Dan Certificates.

The presentation was made by Master Brown, who is a Deacon at Prairieland Church.

Copy of the presentation provided by Brown:

Let me begin with the acknowledgement of what an honor it is for me to serve as a Deacon here at Prairieland Christian Church. I have here a couple of verses that I pray will inspire the “Sheepdogs” of our country to include God in every aspect of their lives!!! “Sheepdogs” need to allow God’s presence in their lives to provide the strength and courage necessary to adequately defend our nation. Arrogant physical strength without God often fails when placed under extreme pressure, but God’s presence in our lives will provide the necessary strength and eliminate the fear of death when God’s warriors face the same extremes.

From II Samuel 10:12 ‘The word of God says to “Be strong and let us show ourselves courageous for the sake of our people and for the cities of our God and may the Lord do what is good in his sight!’

From Psalm 31:24 ‘The Word of God says to “Be strong and let your heart take courage all you who hope in the Lord!’

I Corinthians 16:13, ‘Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong!’

These passages are referencing spiritual strength in the face of adversity and/or evil presence.

I’m in a unique position in my Deaconry duties as the Master Instructor of Lincoln Taekwondo in Lincoln. Periodically, I will select unique individuals within our community for the receiving of an Honorary Black Belt. The qualities I look for in these individuals are long term leadership, integrity, humble attitude, and service. This is not an award I take lightly!

This presentation today is to honor the military service of three Logan County gentlemen who have humbly and honorably served God and their church, our military, their families and last, but certainly not least, their community. I’m honored to be in a position to present this prestigious award to these three. The wealth of knowledge and the mentorship these men bring to any venue has won admiration and my highest respect!

I have consulted with our Prairieland Minister Joe Sanders, our Youth Minister Ray Allen, and Elders within the church. We have collectively concurred that awarding this honor on our Veteran’s Day weekend to these gentlemen would be an entirely appropriate gesture of appreciation as one of these men is a member here at Prairieland.

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Our goal, as always, is to assure that God receives the glory for such opportunity!!! We are so pleased that you men and your families have joined us here at Prairieland Christian Church today. May Joe’s sermon touch your hearts as the Holy Spirit through Joe’s preaching always touches mine!

Would you three gentlemen please come forward at this time?

Left to right: Gossett, Shaffer, and Sheley with Brown in the background

I’d like to introduce Wayne Sheley, Bill Gossett, and our own Orville Shaffer. These men served honorably in World War II and/or the Korean War. This time carried some of the darkest moments and yet some of the most glorious days of our nation’s history. This award is the highest recognition that I personally can honor you with for your many life’s accomplishments. You men are worthy of so much more!!! Please allow me the honor of presenting this award in the presence of our congregation as recognition of your lifetime of continued service to our country and within our local communities. Thank you!!!

Everyone needs to fully understand that as significant as this award may seem, nothing compares to the award of eternal life that Jesus Christ’s sacrifice has allowed us all! May anything we do on his behalf bring honor and glory to our Lord!

Here is the prayer for these men;

Dear Lord,

I pray that you would bless these men the way you have blessed this world with their presence! I am so thankful for how each has touched the lives of so many throughout their lives and that you have provided opportunity for our church to recognize their value to all of us! Please place these men in the protective hands of your Holy Spirit and continue to provide each with pleasant memories of the phenomenal impact they have had on our community! It’s in Jesus’ name I pray!


[Karen Hargis]

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