Illini fans gather early to prepare to support the team versus WKU.

Illinois Dominates Western Kentucky, 20-7

By Jeff Mayfield

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[September 11, 2017]  Fans always want their football team to improve. And the old saying goes that no football team improves as much as it does between games one and two. In fact, I’ve been hearing that old adage all my life, though I’ve never paid all that much attention to it.

Maybe it’s because I’ve been following the wrong program. Maybe our team just has too many impediments for solid improvement to happen. Maybe I don’t know what I’m talking about.

However, If you like me have been in Memorial Stadium the first two weeks of this season you will have witnessed after week #2 some dramatic improvement/s! I didn’t want to come right out and say it last week as you always want to be positive and optimistic about the first game of the season. But I couldn’t hide my disappointment.

The Illini didn’t look good, in several aspects of the game. And my biggest fear was that the team had so many holes and seemingly so many broken parts, that I didn’t think you could fix all of them if you had a year instead of just one week. Man, was I wrong and this is one of the reasons you don’t pay me to coach your football team!

On top of my disappointment, I was told that one of the top non-power 5 college football teams was on its way to Chambana. A team that has been averaging more than 45 points a game for quite some time. A team that featured a quarterback with a golden Illini name, Mike White [probably my favorite Illini coach ever], who has been making pro scouts salivate, and a guy I was told would be very difficult to contain much less to stop.

I thought about sitting this one out [something I’ve never done purposefully, but have considered a time or two] and just getting you the wire story. But you LDN fans deserve the best, so we covered the home game as always. A large contingent of Lincoln fans were on hand to cheer the Illini on. And you have to commend our Illinois coaches. Even being young and inexperienced the amount of progress and improvement this team made in one week’s time is as much as this fledgling reporter has ever seen.

The Illini lost the coin toss for the second week in a row and had to give the ball to White and company from the git go. But unlike last week where it appeared to me that we just tried to rush head on through the Ball State offensive line never making much of a difference until second half adjustments finally kicked-in, Illinois was in White’s kitchen on the very first play.

I thought the pressure, the chasing, the mixing up of stunts, etc. were just what the doctor ordered to hunt down a solidly successful team like WKU. In a word, the Illini made White uncomfortable all night long! Illini defenders take note: the more you make opponents and especially quarterbacks uncomfortable, the better chance you have to win more games. I never played defensive line, but I liked what I saw and the more the Illini harassed White, the more uncomfortable he got. He was clearly bothered by Illinois’ constant harassment and it caused him to hurry throws the entire game. The best stat for me to throw at you is that the Illini defense held WKU to converting only 2 of 12 3rd down situations while making them go 0 for 2 on 4th down conversions. A far cry from last week and in many ways, that was the ball game. And if that doesn’t get you excited how about this: The Illini held WKU to a total of 6 rushing yards for the game and -5 for the second half. Neither of those numbers is a misprint! A stellar performance by the defense indeed!

[to top of second column]

The Illini offense showed marked improvement as well. For one thing Illinois had 15 more minutes of offensive possession than the Hilltoppers. The Illini did get on the board twice in the first quarter and half with field goals by Chase McLaughlin, who should be lauded for his kicking consistently so far, though it is early in the season. He made one kick of 37 yards and one of 20 yards and it looked like the Illini would go into the half-time locker room with a 6-0 lead. However, the defense had a better idea.

After a brilliant coffin corner punt by Blake Hayes, White and his WKU mates were backed up against their own goal line. While hindsight is always 20-20, the Hilltoppers still would probably have been better off to let the first half clock run out but instead White threw an ill-advised pass with defenders draped all over him right into the hands of Julian Junes who may have been more surprised than anyone in the stadium. Jones snagged the ball at the WKU ten yard line and scampered untouched into pay dirt. That gave Illinois some breathing room and a 13-0 half time lead.

I made the comment that Illinois would get the ball to start the second half and they would need a long, sustained drive that would culminate with points on the board to keep Western Kentucky from changing their momentum. And just like that, the Illini went on a 15-play, 84 yard drive that ended on a 9-yard touchdown leap into the end zone by QB Chayce Crouch who looked more like Oklahoma’s Baker Mayfield than he did an Illini QB on that play. Who cares? The Illini were up 20-0 at that point, and I felt a lot better about things. I wondered IF this is how Old Testament prophets felt when all their prophecies came true. However, there was still a quarter and a half of football to play.

By the way, incredibly high marks to sensational Freshman running back, Mike Epstein, who rushed for 112 yards on 21 carries. He was a bulldog out there. Whenever the Illini needed 3 tough yards he seemed to get them one way or another. Epstein was a big reason the Illini had a few long, sustained drives.

Sometimes young teams do crazy things. I don’t know if it was the play call or Crouch improvising, but he threw an INT to WKU’s Antwon Kincade. That set the Hilltoppers up on Illinois’ doorstep and sure enough Mike White himself punched it in from 2-yards out and all the momentum had swung to WKU.

Somehow the good guys were able to snuff out that momentum and kudos to the defense for not letting down and keeping the pressure on throughout the game.

With the win Illinois moves to 2-0 and will find out soon IF their game with South Florida will be played as scheduled, moved, postponed, or whathaveyou. Whatever happens it was great to see so much growth in this Illini team in just one week. Here’s to more growth and improvement in the weeks ahead!


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