Logan County Board amends Joint Solid Waste contracts to five-year automatic renewal

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[September 20, 2017]  LINCOLN 

On Tuesday, September 19, the Logan County Board held their regular monthly meeting voting on motions and resolutions from several committees. They also heard a brief update from the Emergency Management Agency.

Joint Solid Waste contracts

Davenport's motion to approve Joint Solid Waste Contract Amendments passed 11-1 with Chuck Ruben, Vice Chairman Emily Davenport, Dave Blankenship, Janet Dahmm, Bob Farmer, David Hepler, Gloria Luster, Gene Rohlfs, Bob Sanders, Scott Schaffenacker, and Annette Welch voting yes, and Kevin Bateman voting no.

Ruben said the amendments changed the contract from twenty years to five years with automatic renewal every five years.

Bateman said he does not like the fact that there is still no "out clause" and feels it locks people into the contract. He said every city would have to vote to get out of the agreement.

Board member Gene Rohlfs said if one community wanted out, he would think others would opt out.

EMA update

Standing - Dan Fulscher left, Terry Storer right

Terry Storer, Deputy Director of Logan County's Emergency Management Agency, has officially announced his retirement as of November. Storer thanked the board for everything over the years.

EMA Director Dan Fulscher has worked with Storer for over 37 years and thanked him for his hard work and dedication.

Storer will be recognized along with several others at the board workshop on November 16. A small open house will be held for Storer on November 30.

Fulscher said he has recommended Kendall Caruthers be appointed as the replacement for deputy director. Caruthers will be appointed in November.

Other committee motions and votes

Finance Committee update

Finance Committee Chairman David Hepler's motion to place the FY 2017-2018 Budget on display passed 11-1 with Chuck Ruben, Kevin Bateman, Emily Davenport, Janet Dahmm, Bob Farmer, David Hepler, Gloria Luster, Gene Rohlfs, Bob Sanders, Scott Schaffenacker, and Annette Welch voting yes; and Dave Blankenship voting no.

Hepler thanked those who have worked hard on the budget and said they "have made lemonade out of lemons." Hepler said the county should be able to maintain its level of services with modest cuts. They are hoping the wind farm money will come in, which will bring in $450,000.

Hepler said the budget could be amended once it comes off display and the board could make changes in November if needed.

Insurance/Legislative/Liquor Committee updates

Committee Chair Annette Welsh's brought forward three motions, which were all unanimously approved by the board.

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• A motion to hold a Flu Clinic at the courthouse on October 26, 2017.

• A motion to authorize an Insurance Consultant to bring a proposal to consolidate Vision, Life, Aflac, Liberty National and other products offered. Ruben said the renewal dates for all the insurances will also be the same.

• A motion to bring the Liquor Ordinance off display. The ordinance was recently amended and has been on display since August.

Road and Bridge Committee updates

Road and Bridge Committee Chairman Bob Farmer brought three motions forward, which were all unanimously approved:

• A motion to award a bridge repair contract in Oran Township to Freesen, a Division of United Contractors Midwest, Inc. in the amount of $17,577.84.

• A motion to award a bridge repair contract in Mount Pulaski Township to CSD Environmental Services, Inc. in the amount of $24,588.60.

• A motion to award a bridge repair contract in Sheridan Township to SK Davison in the amount of $5,040.43.

Executive and Personnel Committee

Executive and Personnel Committee Chair Emily Davenport brought two motions forward from the committee.

Davenport's motion to allow the chairman to sign the Electric Aggregation Contract failed 10-2 with Emily Davenport, Kevin Bateman, Dave Blankenship, Janet Dahmm, David Hepler, Gloria Luster, Gene Rohlfs, Bob Sanders, Scott Schaffenacker, and Annette Welch voting no, and Bob Farmer and Chuck Ruben voting yes.

Ruben said the board is part of an aggregate group and needs to explain to that group why the board voted no. He asked whether some wanted to wait for Lincoln's decision on electric aggregation.

Board member Bob Sanders said he voted no because he would like to hear more about the aggregation and see numbers.

Board Chairman Chuck Ruben said it is the aggregation group's job to get amounts, which are a commodity that can change overnight. Bids have to be brought back quickly. Ruben said electric rates are less right now, but often go up as winter nears. He said they are probably running out of time for a good bid this year.

Board member Kevin Bateman said he voted no because he does not believe a consortium should make their choice and does see ICAN as a favorable company.

Ruben said he will talk to the consortium group to see if they would like to make a presentation. He sent the issue back to the Executive and Personnel Committee.

All 12 Board members were present for the evening: Board Chairman Chuck Ruben, Vice Chairman Emily Davenport, Kevin Bateman, Dave Blankenship, Janet Dahmm, Bob Farmer, David Hepler, Gloria Luster, Gene Rohlfs, Bob Sanders, Scott Schaffenacker and Annette Welch.

The next Regular Logan County Board meeting will be Tuesday, October 16 at 7 p.m. at the courthouse.

[Angela Reiners]

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