St. Clara’s celebrates volunteers
with special luncheon
Karen Birnbaum named St. Clara Volunteer
of the Year
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[April 18, 2018]
On Monday, April 16th
St. Clara’s Rehab and Senior Care held its annual Volunteer
Appreciation luncheon in the corner café just off of the St. Clara
Activity Center. The event was hosted by Activity Director Rebecca
Johnson with her team of helpers, Marie Parr, Linda Bree and Becky
Twenty-six volunteers came for the luncheon and enjoyed an hour of
spending time together chatting, playing a game or two, and
celebrating the 2018 Volunteer of the Year.
The day began with a poem reading and opening prayer delivered by
Johnson, then everyone was invited to fill their plates from the
salad buffet.

Johnson shared a joke of how one day God was taking a stroll through
heaven and he came upon a group of mice playing. He stopped to
visit, asking them how they liked Heaven. They all said they loved
Heaven even though it was awfully big. God asked if there was
anything he could do that would make their heavenly life better. The
mice thought for a minute then said that if God could make it so
they could get around more quickly that would certainly improve
their heavenly experience. God thought for a moment then said “I’ll
give you roller skates!” The mice were absolutely delighted with the
On another walk about Heaven God came across a group of cats. He
stopped to visit with the felines, asking them how they were
enjoying Heaven. The cats assured God that for them Heaven was ‘purrrrfect.’
God asked them if there was anything he could do to make their
heavenly experience even better. The cats thought a while but then
said, “no, we have absolutely everything we need now that you’ve
given us Meals on Wheels!”
For game time, guests were invited to play pass the peppermint. Each
one received a cup with a collection of puffy peppermints inside.
Then as Johnson asked the group questions, if an individual could
answer yes, they were to pass their peppermint to the right. If they
had to answer no, then they were to pass their peppermint to the
left. Questions were based on life experiences. Have you ever –
played a musical instrument, piloted an airplane, milked a cow, rode
a bike, got a speeding ticket, taught Sunday School or been in a
play? Can you rub your stomach and pat your head at the same time,
or recite all the books of the Bible in order? Do you make your bed
daily, drink coffee daily, or volunteer at St. Clara’s Rehab and
Senior Care?
At the end of the game, guests were to count the number of
peppermints they had collected. Sandy Sanders won with a total of
After the game, dessert was served, then the program wrapped up with
some words of appreciation from Johnson before announcing the
volunteer of the year.
Johnson spoke about the value of volunteers who do what may seem
like small things to them but equate to a higher quality of life for
St. Clara residents. Simple things like polishing nails means so
much to residents who find they are unable to do the things they
once did easily. Spending time preparing and serving snacks and
acknowledging birthdays makes each resident feel extra special on a
[to top of second column] |

And the simpler things, visiting, sharing stories and listening to residents
tell their own stories is a vital interaction that means so much to each person.
Those who sing or play the piano, who lead groups in singing, who participate or
assist in game activities and special events provide something that is so key to
the well-being of the residents, that a day for saying “thank you” hardly seems
like enough.
The theme for the Monday luncheon was “Thank you for lending a helping hand.”
Johnson said that is what all the volunteers do, they are “quietly, joyfully,
lending a helping hand,” and in doing so they are making a huge impact.
While there were 26 volunteers present on Monday, the volunteer base at St.
Clara’s is much larger and includes not only individuals but many groups,
organizations, and churches who give of their time and talents for the residents
of St. Clara’s.
Johnson said that one of her favorite pieces of music is the song “Do Something”
by Matthew West. In that song, the chorus includes these words:
If not us, then who
If not me and you
Right now, it’s time for us to do something, yeah
If not now, then when
Will we see an end
To all this pain
Oh, it’s not enough to do nothing
It’s time for us to do something
She concluded looking out on the group, “You are doing something.”

Johnson then announced for this year the Volunteer of the Year will be Karen
Birnbaum. Karen came to the front of the room where Johnson presented her with a
plaque and gift in appreciation of her giving of herself to the residents of St.
As the day ended, each guest in attendance was given a hand-made gift, a paper
cutout in the shape of a hand with a verse on the front and a bottle of Dial
handsoap and tube of Gold Bond handcream attached.
On the luncheon menu was a Chef Salad Bar with lettuce, chicken cheese, and
other toppings served with bread and butter. For dessert guests enjoyed
strawberry shortcake with whipped topping.
As the group dispersed for the day it was all smiles all around as the guests
shared happy good-bye’s to one another and staff with promises of “see you
later.” And indeed, the staff knows and trusts that they will see these great
volunteers and others “later” as it is the volunteers willingness to step up and
make a difference in the lives of residents that truly makes a difference for
the staff at St. Clara’s as well.
[Nila Smith] |