Home Beautification and top crop awards

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[August 06, 2018]     Send a link to a friend  Share

Pictures by  Derek Hurley

At the Monday 4-H judging, Ayden Wurth was the winner of the best overall in crops and received the Crop Exhibits Memorial Plaque, sponsored by Atterberry Farms.


In the Home Beautification Show, Alex Steffens won Best of Show, Fresh Cut Flowers.

The Best House Plant was awarded to Shelby Heyen who also won the Best Horticulture Display.



Hannah Crider won the Best Floriculture Display and also the Best Annual, while Grace Skelton won the Best Perennial category.


The annual Betty Moser Book Award went to Daniel Crider.


Presenting their plaques and ribbons to the winners were Dr. Penny Wittler, Betty Moser, 2017 Junior Miss Karson Mott and 2017 Little Miss Logan County Elliana Park.


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