The music was composed initially for guitar by
Frances Xaver Gruber. Gruber was an accomplished organist, but the
organ was broken that year, so he composed it on the guitar and he
and Father Mohr sang it at their Christmas worship service.
One man wrote the lyrics, and one man wrote the music which would
effect the hearts of Christians for centuries. Baby Jesus was born
into the Bethlehem of their hearts. Baby Jesus is born into each of
our hearts to change the world. Each of us is “fearfully and
wonderfully made” to shine Christ’s light of love and peace into
this world.
Those of us who call ourselves Christian have that same creative,
loving, peaceful heart where the baby Jesus is born.
This Christmas, as we sing “Silent Night” and the light of Christ
shines in our sanctuaries and is reborn yet again in our hearts,
ponder how is it that you can make this world a place of peace and

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In this broken world filled with strife and
divisions, Christ calls each of us to bring calm, brightness,
tenderness and peace to help heal and love this world God created
and is creating through the gifts God gives us.
May your Christmas be filled with the light of the newborn Christ in
your hearts!