Transcript - 2018 Budget Address
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[February 15, 2018]
Click Here for Fiscal Year 2019 Proposed Budget
Budget Address - As prepared for delivery
Good afternoon:
President Cullerton
Speaker Madigan
Leader Brady
Leader Durkin
Lieutenant Governor Sanguinetti
Attorney General Madigan
Secretary White
Comptroller Mendoza
Treasurer Frerichs
Members of the General Assembly, distinguished guests, members of
the media.
To the members of our National Guard, our service men and women, and
our veterans – thank you on behalf of a most grateful state. To the
citizens, the taxpayers, of Illinois, it is an honor to serve you.
Happy Valentine’s Day to all.
Let’s begin today with a moment of silence to honor Chicago Police
Cmdr. Paul Bauer, who was killed in the line of duty yesterday
protecting the people of Chicago and the state of Illinois. Let us
also remember the young victims and survivors of the NIU campus
shootings 10 years ago today. Please join with me and remember them
in our prayers.
Two weeks ago, we met in this chamber to discuss the state of our
state. I said then and I repeat today, we are in a state of
readiness, poised to leverage Illinois’ many natural advantages —
our people, our location, our transportation network, our diverse
resources — to become the economic powerhouse of the Midwest.
To fulfill that mission is to serve the best interests of everyone
in our state. If our economy rises, everyone will rise with it. Our
businesses will grow and create more jobs. Our family incomes will
rise. Our young will have more opportunities to learn and earn. Our
service to citizens will expand. Our taxes will go down. Our quality
of life will go up.
We can make all this happen. But we must abandon Illinois’ fiscal
status quo, and take steps to make tax-spenders more accountable to
taxpayers. We must enact structural reforms that allow us to be as
competitive as we need to be, so we can be as compassionate as we
want to be.
Make no mistake, we are in a competition ... and the states around
us are winning at our expense. They have out-legislated us, and now,
they outgrow us.

Manufacturing jobs, many of which go to union workers, are up
110,000 in Indiana over the last eight years, while manufacturing
jobs in Illinois are up only 8,000 in that same time period. In just
the last year alone, private sector union jobs are up 36,000 in
Wisconsin, and up 47,000 in Michigan, but down 9,000 in Illinois.
And many factory workers in other states are now out-earning our
brothers and sisters here in Illinois.
We can’t let this happen to our hard-working families. It is time to
get back in the race. Low growth and expensive bureaucracy are
devastating. They reduce Illinoisans’ net take home pay. They rob us
of our ability to invest in education, human services, public safety
and infrastructure. They constrain our economic growth, our tax base
and our wage rates.
Our FY19 budget sets out to make the structural reforms that will
get us moving in the right direction. It reduces government expense
but not customer service. It shifts responsibility for the cost of
services to the people who buy those services. And it recognizes
that we will never have balanced budgets if government grows faster
than our economy.
These are the priorities we’ve set for the next fiscal year and
beyond. They put a stop to the unsustainable growth in our pension
and health care costs, halt and reverse the advance in taxes, and
restore emphasis on investments in education, human services, public
safety and infrastructure.
Our reforms must begin with pensions and employee group health
expenses. They now consume 25 cents of every dollar the state
spends, and they grow faster than you can raise taxes, and we can
grow the economy. In FY18, we spent more of our budget in these two
categories than we spent on K-12 education.
The simple truth is this: We have to change the way we manage
pension costs and group health expenses. If we don’t, our finances
will continue to deteriorate, our economy will remain sluggish and
our tax burdens will stay high and keep rising.
Our FY19 budget addresses the problem head on, and creates a surplus
that we can use to pay down some of our debt.
The key reforms have to do with accountability. We need to move
pension costs to the people who do the buying, and make them
responsible for the paying, too.
If we do this realignment, we can eliminate the $2 billion deficit
in the budget you passed last summer, avoid new taxes, fund top
priorities, and start the long process of paying down our bill
backlog with cash instead of credit.
But we should also do something that will really make the economy
grow faster, that will really make the Amazons and Apples of the
world take notice.
We should take the big step, and do what taxpayers have urged us to
do for a decade: Enact comprehensive pension reform, and give
Illinois taxpayers a nearly $1 billion tax cut. They deserve it and
they can use it.
This is the kind of financial accountability that Illinois taxpayers
expect. It is time we lived up to their expectations.

When my wife and I moved into the Governor’s Mansion in 2015, we
noticed that every light was turned on. I don’t know about you, but
I was raised that if you left a room and didn’t shut out the lights,
you’d be in trouble.
Of course, this led us to ask what the utility bill was for the
mansion. It took two weeks to track down who actually got the bill
in the government bureaucracy, and to discover that it cost the
state almost $100,000 a year. Outrageous. We immediately put in good
energy management practices to cut the bill substantially.
My point is this: If you separate the payment from accountability
... there is no accountability. People don’t question the expense,
they just pay it.
This story illustrates what is wrong with pension and group health
expenses. In our system, the state gets pension bills and just pays
the tab. Our budget proposal shifts costs closer to home, so people
can question expenses and deal with them more directly. Now, they
have no incentive to manage costs because the state picks them up no
matter what they are. When they are responsible for paying the bill,
there will be plenty of incentive to lower costs.
We will ask school districts to begin sharing the cost of their own
pensions. We’ll phase in the shift over four years— in 25 percent
increments per year — and give schools and local governments the
tools they need to more than offset the costs. The tools include
increased education funding, the power to dissolve or consolidate
units of local government, and more flexibility in contracting,
bidding and sharing services.
As a matter of fairness, the Chicago Public Schools will get the
same offsets as all other school districts in the state, including
its portion of the increase under the new funding formula. But,
recognizing that CPS got to keep the benefits of its special block
grant in the base of our new funding formula, we propose that CPS
absorb its normal pension costs as it did before last year.
We will ask universities to pay their pension costs — also phased in
over four years — and to pick up their health care costs, with
offset tools that include an additional $205 million in
appropriations in FY19.
These shifts will save the state $696 million this year.
We recommend right-sizing employee health insurance plans so that
government compensation is more in line with what the taxpayers have
who are paying for it. Today, we pay almost 90 percent of the
premiums for government employee health insurance policies that are
way more expensive than plans in the private sector.
State government needs to do what every employer in Illinois has
done over the last 10 years: Get its health care costs under
control. Taxpayers shouldn’t have to pay for government health
insurance policies that are richer than ones they can afford for

If we legislate group health insurance changes the way the
Massachusetts legislature has done, we can save Illinois $470
million in general revenue funds this year, and $560 million in all
We also need to reduce workers’ compensation insurance rates. They
are the highest in the Midwest, and they are pushing out our
manufacturers. Business leaves the state to escape them or won’t
come to avoid them. It’s one of the reasons we are losing business
and population to states on our border.
If we reduce our rate to the national average, businesses as well as
local governments will benefit from lower costs, and we will create
tens of thousands of new jobs over time.
Not only would we have faster economic growth that would help keep
our budgets balanced, but taxpayers would directly save tens of
millions of dollars in lower government costs.
And one final point. It is time ... no, it is past time ... to
actually sell the Thompson Center in Chicago, without any extra fees
or charges tacked on.
These moves — many of which have been supported by the General
Assembly in prior years — alleviate a $1.3 billion annual burden on
taxpayers, and release money we can then spend on education, public
safety, human services and infrastructure in FY19.
I know this idea of “reforms to stimulate growth” topples Illinois’
traditional budget approach — the one where you decide what to buy,
then buy it even if it means spending beyond your means. The FY18
budget, enacted last July over my veto, is running a huge deficit
that proves the point. That unbalanced budget was built on the back
of a $4.5 billion income tax increase, $6 billion in long-term debt,
and a still increasing backlog of unpaid bills expected to rise to
$7.7 billion by the end of this fiscal year.
Our approach is decidedly different. We see the budget as an
opportunity to set priorities without spending beyond our means. It
is a framework designed to spark a constructive dialogue on the
steps we need to take to resolve the state’s financial issues.
Our mission is straightforward: Enact reforms, be accountable,
deliver on our promises.
Our goals align with the needs of our citizens: Provide the best
education on earth for our children; ensure justice and equality for
the deserving but disadvantaged; share compassion for our veterans,
the elderly, and our most vulnerable; provide security for our
communities; and maintain our streets and bridges.
Our guiding principle is this: Spend only the money we have, and
don’t increase the tax burden on the people of Illinois.

The bottom line is this: We need reforms, and we need to shift
accountability so that we can put more resources into education,
human services, public safety and infrastructure. That’s where our
FY19 budget is focused. That’s the outcome we want to produce.
Our administration is an emphatic advocate for education investment.
By enacting structural reforms, we will be able to spend a record
$8.3 billion on preK-12 education. That includes $350 million of new
money distributed through our more equitable funding formula.
PreK-12 funding has risen a cumulative $3.7 billion since I took
We also will spend $454 million for early childhood education, up 55
percent since I became governor.
[to top of second column] |

This investment is critical to our future. The work world around
us evolves as technology advances. The skills needed to succeed in our economy
are dramatically different than they were just a decade ago.
Our own manufacturing sector is a perfect example. Where once there were
get-your-hands-dirty assembly line jobs, workers must now be equipped to use
computer-directed equipment, manage software to track inventory, and build
intricate high-tech products.
Our obligation to our next generation is to prepare them ... by
the millions ... to fully participate in the workforce of the future.
The bipartisan effort we produced last year to bring equity to our school
funding formula was a key step. Invest in Kids expanded education choices for
tens of thousands of students. Our Cabinet on Children and Youth helps children
reach their 25th birthdays as engaged, educated, self-sufficient citizens with
marketable skills for a meaningful career.

We must make higher education a critical priority, too. Illinois public
university enrollment declined by 50,000 students from 1991 to 2014 as tuition
and fees rose. Our budget conflicts didn’t help that trend.
This year we bring an end to budget reductions for our university and community
college systems. We add $100 million in capital funds to meet deferred
maintenance needs. We maintain MAP grants at FY18 levels, and lay the foundation
for increased MAP funding in the future.
We also recommend a capital grant to the U of I for its Illinois
Innovation Network and Discovery Partners Institute, to leverage billions of
dollars in private donations to the U of I and spur enterprise formation that
will make us the envy of the technology centers on both coasts. This capital
investment could be the biggest spark ever to ignite our economic growth engine.
The Illinois Board of Higher Education is developing a single, statewide
strategic plan to make academic offerings more attractive to students, and drive
more efficiency in their service offerings. We look forward to the results of
their work.
Compassion is in the DNA of Illinois. Our budget mirrors this fundamental
With reforms to our pension and group health programs, we can provide resources
for veterans, families, children, the elderly, the sick and the ailing.
This week, despite aggressive precautions and new water treatment systems,
Legionella bacteria infected two patients at our Quincy Veterans Home. Early
detection led to successful treatment, but the infections sent a clear message.
We need to move quickly — and we need to have money — to make structural changes
to ensure protection for our veterans.
Our water management task force met yesterday to begin a review of an
engineering report on the home’s water systems. We’ve allocated $50 million in
capital improvements to be prepared to address their recommendations for
Legionella control.
To further help our veterans, we need to move forward and complete the
long-delayed construction of a new 200-bed veterans home in Chicago.
We expect to spend $1 billion on child care assistance for families with incomes
up to 185 percent of the federal poverty level. We will also increase funds for
early intervention programs and developmental disabilities services.

Our budget addresses a necessary commitment to our elder population. We maintain
funding levels for programs that serve 62,000 Community Care Program clients,
and provide adult protection and in-home services. We’re shifting clients to
Managed Care Organizations administered by Healthcare and Family Services ...
with no change in services, but big savings in cost.
When it comes to children and youth, we have improved a fragmented system that
wasted money, and too often failed to help young people become successful
adults. In the Department of Children and Family Services, the FY19 budget adds
staff for Intact Family Services, to help deal with cases that present the
highest risks for young children.
DCFS has redesigned the adoption subsidy process. There was a 16 percent
increase in adoptions and a 31 percent increase in guardianships in fiscal year
2017. That means nearly 2,200 children left state care and found homes last
We’ve had an unacceptably high number of youth confined in psychiatric
hospitals, juvenile detention, or emergency shelters. We’re working to lower
those populations.
The principles of reform and accountability guide our approach to Medicaid as
We’ve made significant structural changes in this program, most notably a more
thoughtful shift to managed care, a move that will save taxpayers hundreds of
millions in the years ahead, and help us hold providers accountable for the
quality of the care they deliver.
Medicaid enrollment has slowed in recent years, but it still serves nearly
one-quarter of our population — about 3.1 million people.
That number will stay essentially flat in FY19, and we have budgeted $14.2
billion to provide care for eligible patients. This takes into account $450
million that our task force has saved, so far, through fraud detection and
We have also developed a comprehensive strategy to address behavioral health. It
transforms payment and delivery models, increases managed care, enhances
workforce capacity and establishes greater accountability.
We are working closely with the federal government to get approval of a Section
1115 waiver application that will let us more efficiently and more effectively
treat our 800,000 Medicaid enrollees who suffer with mental and behavioral
health problems.
Reforming our criminal justice system is a priority for our administration.
Structural reforms mean we can devote more resources to the people and programs
that protect us from those who would do us harm.
Two more Illinois State Police cadet classes will graduate this year, and the
budget anticipates another class in FY19. That means up to 300 more troopers on
the force.
Our budget addresses the opioid epidemic, fully funding programs that enhance
enforcement and addiction recovery.

Some 28,000 offenders are released into our communities each year. Nearly half
return to prison within three years. The rates of recidivism are too high. Jobs
are a key antidote.
So, we have allotted $26.4 million for the operation of life skills re-entry
centers in Kewanee and Murphysboro, to help people get back to work instead of
going back to prison.
We will spend $36.4 million for mental health facilities at Joliet and Elgin,
which will supplement the three residential treatment units at Pontiac, Logan
and Dixon.
The FY19 budget provides $10.2 million for Adult Redeploy Illinois to promote
community-based supervision. There is also $110 million in federal funds
allocated to reduce crime, and help victims get the services they need.
For the fourth year in a row, we will deliver more capital for infrastructure
projects. Our budget provides $2.2 billion in pay-as-you-go funds for the
Department of Transportation’s annual road program. Additionally, we will
provide $511 million in new capital funds for other IDOT needs in FY19. That
brings total new transportation infrastructure spending by our administration
since 2016 to nearly $10 billion.
We should finalize private investment in infrastructure improvements, like the
I-55 managed-lane project, where private investors are willing to invest
hundreds of millions to build and manage a new and improved highway.
Our administration has been actively engaged in conversations over the last year
with the White House and the U.S. Department of Transportation about an
infrastructure program. As the plan announced this week works its way through
Congress, we will work closely with our Illinois Congressional delegation to
maximize the return on Illinois’ investments in its infrastructure.
All along we have been clear about the necessity to meet critical public needs
with the resources available to us. The surest way to do that is to enact
reforms that bend the cost curve of government, and stimulate our economy to
bring new jobs to Illinois. The key to balanced budgets is to have our economy
grow faster than our government spending.
I vetoed the FY18 budget because it did not provide the reforms needed to end
our deficits, and achieve balanced budgets and sustainable economic growth.
Unfortunately, I was right. We were forced to spend more than $1 billion to meet
obligations set into law, but under-appropriated. Now, you need to pass a
supplemental spending bill to cover these costs.
This sort of budget shortfall underscores the urgency of our circumstances. We
simply have to slow the growth of our spending, and grow our economy faster.
Higher tax rates can never fix this structural necessity.
Our FY19 proposal asks you to engage with us to make sensible, long-overdue
reforms, and to shift control to the people who pay the bills.

Move pension and health care costs where they belong. Give local governments the
tools to cut costs. Reduce workers’ comp rates. Sell the Thompson Center. These
savings will produce a surplus to put against our backlog. Better yet, they will
energize our economy.
And if you work with me to take the next logical step and pass true pension
reform, we will be able to enact a nearly $1 billion tax cut, and start rolling
back the income tax rate.
Let’s face it. For middle class wage earners and young mobile workers, the
pension crisis is not about the politics that are played in Springfield. It’s
about how much money we are taking out of their pockets. The people of Illinois
are taxed out.
A billion-dollar income tax cut should be our No. 1 objective by the end of this
Together, let’s learn from our past, talk honestly about the future, move ahead,
and make Illinoisans the big winners.
Our budget proposal is a framework that balances the interests of those who
spend our taxes with those who pay the taxes. It balances the need for reform
with the time we need to implement it, and the tools we need to reduce the
associated costs.
We are ready to collaborate on reforms that benefit the taxpayers of Illinois.
Our ideas are here for you to consider. We share a sense of urgency with you and
every citizen of our state. And we welcome a call to the table for serious
conversations about how to proceed.
Our intent, in this week of Lincoln’s birthday, is to heed his admonition: “The
leading rule … is diligence. Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done
This is the essence of Illinois’ work ethic, the essence of our value system.
Let’s do this budget. Let’s fix our systems. Let’s give fiscal integrity to our
people. Let’s roll back the tax hike, and give power and prosperity back to the
people of Illinois.
Thank you. God bless you all. God bless our veterans. God bless the people of
Illinois. And God bless the United States of America.