Olympia FFA Holiday Meeting benefits local charities

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[January 16, 2018]     Send a link to a friend  Share

Monday, December 18th, the Olympia High School FFA Chapter celebrated their year with a holiday themed meeting. At this meeting FFA members were able to enjoy a delicious meal provided by the Olympia FFA Alumni, help with our December service project, and participate in a white elephant gift exchange.

Chapter secretary Claire Springer thought, “This meeting was a great way to spend time with FFA members and do something good for the less fortunate people in our area.”

Ryleigh Hilt, Josie Litwiller and other FFA members enjoy a great meal.


Claire Springer and Karmen Glueck work on a tie-blanket for Home Sweet Home Ministries.

The main focus of this meeting was to accomplish the December FFA service project. For December, the chapter decided to give back to the community by making tie blankets for a local homeless shelter. The chapter will be donating 20 tie blankets to the Home Sweet Home Ministries Mission.

Members had the opportunity to create these blankets in teams while socializing with members of the chapter. Creating these blankets was an excellent way to bond as a chapter and get into the holiday giving season!


Cavit Schempp, Shelby Payne, Bree Abbott, Josh Gapinski, and Noah Reber participate in the white elephant gift exchange.


Saturday, December 23rd the FFA officer team spent their afternoon ringing bells at the Eastland Mall for the Salvation Army as another December service project. Olympia FFA appreciates the opportunity to work with the Salvation Army, making a difference in the community and helping families during the holidays.

Submitted by: Anna Davis, Olympia FFA Reporter


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