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The public is invited to Camp Griesheim's Annual Meeting to be held on Sunday, September 15 at 5 p.m. in their main facility in Atlanta, Illinois.  Refreshments and fellowship will follow the meeting.

St. John UCC to host Christian Carnival on Sunday
St. John UCC to host Christian Carnival on Sunday
St. John UCC to host Christian Carnival on Sunday
St. John UCC to host Christian Carnival on Sunday
St. John United Church of Christ in Lincoln is sponsoring a Christian Carnival on Sunday from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. The activities will be on the church's parking lot, at the corner of Eighth and Maple streets.

The public is invited. All ages are welcome to join in the games, snacks, songs, stories and more fun -- and win prizes, too -- all for free.

For answers to questions about the event, call the church office, 732-6957.

The carnival is sponsored by the St. John Christian Education Ministry.

[Text from file received]

- See more at:



3rd Saturday Meal
SPONSOR: Logan County Love
WHO: Open to everyone
DETAILS: Logan County Love will once again provide a free meal to anyone wishing to join. If you are interested, please stop by and introduce yourself as the group would love to see everyone in the community. Come hungry and leave fulfilled. For this month, the meal will include chicken and noodles. If you are unable to drive but would like a meal, call the church, 217-732-6957, between 5 and 6 pm.
WHERE: St. John UCC, corner of Seventh and Maple
WHEN: 5-6:30 pm - See more at:

3rd Saturday Meal
SPONSOR: Logan County Love
WHO: Open to everyone
DETAILS: Logan County Love will once again provide a free meal to anyone wishing to join. If you are interested, please stop by and introduce yourself as the group would love to see everyone in the community. Come hungry and leave fulfilled. For this month, the meal will include chicken and noodles. If you are unable to drive but would like a meal, call the church, 217-732-6957, between 5 and 6 pm.
WHERE: St. John UCC, corner of Seventh and Maple
WHEN: 5-6:30 pm


- See more at:



First Presbyterian Calendar for June


301 Pekin St., Lincoln, IL

Summer Activities for Jr. High Kids

Lincoln - First Presbyterian Church (FPC) is welcoming children in grades 5 through 8 to a number of summer break activities, starting with a Summer Kick-Off after the Memorial Day weekend. Junior high schoolers are invited to the Church parking lot at 301 Pekin St, from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 29. That’s right behind the Lincoln Junior High School building. Activities include a water balloon toss competition, free food, and prizes – just for showing up!

The opportunities continue throughout the summer with monthly Vacation Bible School (VBS) sessions on Tuesdays—June 26, July 24 and August 21. VBS will begin with supper in the church at 5:45 p.m., and will end around 8 p.m.

For more information, call the church office Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. You can also learn more on their website: and Facebook page @firstpresbyterianchurchoflincolnillinois.

First Presbyterian Church has served the Lincoln community for more than 160 years, welcoming all who seek to know and feel the power of God’s love for all the world. The 150 member Presbyterian Church (USA) congregation strives to love and serve one another as Jesus did. The public is invited to join them in worship every Sunday at 10 a.m.


204 N. McLean Street


Jesus’ Miracles

It seems every generation proclaims, “we live in a changing world.” Ours is no different. We read about kids experiencing more and more anxiety and worry at younger and younger ages. The storms of life are real. They are real for adults
and kids. Some may seem simple to “fix.” Passing the spelling test is a real worry, so study a little more. Making the cancer go away in someone we love requires a different solution, but both problems cause anxiety. During the month of May, we will look at how God works in our lives to help us with difficult issues. We will explore miracles Jesus did. We will look at the powerful work of Jesus that continues today! While we long for the miracle, we will also discover that even when the answer is not “yes,” hope remains sure. Fear is often at the door, yet, the Jesus who did miracles
in Galilee is with us today just the same as he was in a boat with the disciples. Today, he is available to provide for our deepest needs. Through this series, we pray our kids will learn they can depend on Jesus when the storms of life swell.

Our key verse for this month is Psalm 77:14; “You are the God of great wonders! You demonstrate your awesome power among the nations.” Moms and Dads, if you would like to talk with your kids about our study the topics are listed below:
• Jesus Heals the Deaf and Mute Man. Mark 7:31–37. We ask Jesus to heal us.
• Jesus Brings Jairus’ Daughter Back to Life. Mark 5:22–24,35–42. We hope in Jesus.
• Jesus Calms the Storm. Luke 8:22–25. We go to Jesus when we’re afraid.
• Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand. John 6:1–14. We trust God to provide.


204 N. McLean Street


Good News Home Concert


scheduled for Monday, June 4th at 7pm, at Lincoln Christian Church, 204 N. McLean St. in Lincoln. This year’s concert theme is “Perspective”. Everyone is invited.


204 N. McLean Street


Kid Serve—Service


You’ve Got Talent! Television features people with all kinds of talents. Contestants are judged by a panel of experts and at home by audiences. They either stay or are rejected. It’s not like that with God. Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” God has plans for each of you that only you can do. It could be performing in front of others, or nothing like that at all! God has given you special gifts to serve Him. Be eager to discover them and use them to the very best of your ability. Join us in Kids Worship during the month of June and discover how you can serve God with your talents!

Our key verse for this month is Deuteronomy 13:4, “Serve only the Lord your God and fear Him alone. Obey His commands, listen to His voice, and cling to Him.” Moms and Dads, if you would like to talk with your kids about our study the topics are listed below.

Bezalel the Master Craftsman. Exodus 35:30–33;36:1-6.
We use our special gifts to serve God.

Joseph Serves in Potiphar’s House. Genesis 39:1–6.
We serve others because we love God.

Joshua’s Family Serves God. Joshua 24:14–18.
We serve God with our family.

The Good Samaritan. Luke 10:30–37.
We serve everyone because God wants us to.





204 N. McLean Street


Kick-Off Event for Families

Our VBS Kick-Off this year is planned for Sunday, June 10, 3:00–5:00 p.m. This event is a fun time for families to get together and a time to invite our friends! This year in addition to games and inflatables, we will have pony rides for kids. To ride the ponies kids must be at least 3 years old and cannot weigh more than 100 pounds. In addition, children MUST wear tennis shoes. Those wearing sandals or flip-flops will not be allowed to ride the ponies. Most people will receive the message, but we would like to be prepared for those who might not come with appropriate shoes. So, if you have a clean pair of kids tennis shoes that you could donate, we will try to collect a variety of sizes for guests who may need them. After the event we will donate the shoes to a charity.

*A reminder, this year’s Kick -Off will be one week prior to VBS. That’s something different this year, but we are hoping this will give us an even greater opportunity to register more kids for VBS!


204 N. McLean Street

Blackwood Quartet live in concert.

Sunday, July 10th, 6 pm at Lincoln Christian Church, 204 N. McLean St. in Lincoln. Free Admission. A love offering will be collected.




June 24th - High Country Grass
July 29th - The Chosen Ones
August 19th - The Melton Family September 23rd - Heavenly Bound

The summer concert schedule, which is held each year at Pree Park, Second Street, San Jose, Illinois 62682, has been announced. This concert series is sponsored by the San Jose Christian Church, San Jose United Methodist Church and St. Luke’s Lutheran Church.

It is a free Sunday evening concert each month and open to the public. Beginning at 5:00 pm there is FREE food and activities. The concert will begin promptly at 6:00 pm. The public should bring their own lawn chairs or a blanket to sit on.

Mark your calendars and save the dates:

June 24th - High Country Grass
July 29th - The Chosen Ones
August 19th - The Melton Family September 23rd - Heavenly Bound

Please join us each evening for fellowship and gospel music.

[San Jose UMC Office]

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